The Full MCU Infinity Saga Timeline In Chronolo...

The Full MCU Infinity Saga Timeline In Chronological Order Scene By Scene

The MCU Infinity Saga concluded after 22 movies with Avengers Endgame. Throughout this post, we’re gonna be going through the full Infinity Saga scene by scene and discussing the entire timeline of the MCU. We’ll save the time travel scenes from Endgame until the end as they sort of still remain in the present in some way…because…it’s a lot of timey whimey wibbly wobbly stuff.

Shoutouts to Tony Goldmark for putting this list together as I can’t imagine how long it would have taken. The guy has pieced together the entire thing with timestamps on Twitter after saying he was bored during lockdown and if you were wondering if anyone was sad enough to write full descriptions and edit the footage to go with it then good for you…you’re in luck…I have absolutely no life.

There will be Heavy Spoilers here so if you’ve missed a movie and don’t want anything ruined then I highly recommend that you turn away now.


The Timeline

The earliest scene in the entire MCU timeline starts with the prologue of Thor The Dark World. This scene tells the story of the Ether, aka the Reality Stone and how the dark elves attempted to use it to take over the 9 realms.

They are defeated by the forces of Asgard and the Ether is buried for many aeons. I’m using aeons because it sounds sophisticated and not because I’m intelligent.

From here we jump to Valkyrie’s flashback scene in Thor Ragnarok in which she went head to head with Hela. Though we don’t see the outcome of this we do know that the daughter of Odin was banished to the underworld and that Valkyrie went on to become a booze hag for a bit. That’s not my words.

Continuing with Thor flashbacks our next scene picks up with the prologue of his first solo film from 2011. In this Odin tells a young Thor and Loki about the ins and outs of the 9 realms. This story is rich in Asgardian history and it also recounts the war that they had with the Frost Giants. This ended in a stalemate that eventually lead to a truce that lasted for many aeons…

Up next is the prologue scene from Black Panther. In this, we learn of Vibranium and a heart-shaped herb that granted the abilities of the black panther to whoever used it. It recaps how Wakanda became a thriving nation whilst the rest of the world lagged behind and also sets up things for that film.

Now you might think from here that we jump to Captain America The First Avenger, however, we actually jump to a flashback scene from The Winter Soldier in which Bucky utters the infamous words, I’m with you till the end of the line. Steve’s mother has just passed away and Bucky lets him know that he won’t be alone no matter what. This would of course come to be a foundation of their friendship and it’s a really touching moment.

After this, we actually get into Captain America: The First Avenger.

You should pretty much watch the entire movie as it stands on its own here.

We start with The Red Skull discovering the Tesseract in Tonsberg and with its great power he builds the army of Hydra. To counteract this, Steve Rogers is selected for the super soldier programme and he becomes Captain America.

Cap goes head to head with skull and the villain plans to use the weapons that have been created from the Tesseract to ravage the west. After touching the mystical cosmic cube, which we learn houses the Space Stone, the villain is transported across the universe to Vormir.

Left with little option, Cap crashes the plane carrying the weapons in the artic. Stark finds the Tesseract but not Cap and he is frozen in ice for a very long time.

Next, we jump to 1980, namely Missouri and see Ego and Star Lord’s mother driving through the country. Ego shows her his seed and gives her his seed too? Is that ok to say?

Anyway from here,we go to the prologue scene of Ant-Man and The Wasp. We watch as Janet and Hank set off on a mission to disarm a missile and this leads to the former getting trapped within the quantum realm.

Up next is the prologue scene of Guardians Of The Galaxy. In it, Peter’s mother dies in hospital and the young boy is kidnapped by Yondu and he begins his life as a ravager.

Also, we hear I’m Not in Love by 10cc which is a classic.

From here we jump to 1989 and the prologue of Ant-Man in which we see Peggy Carter and Howard Stark. Hank, annoyed that his technology is close to being stolen decides to resign from his position at SHIELD and he disappears from the timeline for a while.

Up next is the flashback scene from Captain Marvel in which she flies the experimental jet as part of Project Pegasus. It’s taken down by the Kree forces led by Yon Rogg and Carol ends up shooting its tesseract-powered engine and absorbing its energy.

Unsure of what to do with her, Yon Rogg decides to capture her and the Kree brainwash her into becoming a soldier for them.

From here we get the Gamora origin story from Infinity War in which Thanos invades her planet and wipes out half of the population there. He adopts her as his daughter and explains that the universe should be perfectly balanced.


Next up we go to 1991 and witness the Winter Soldier being awoken from his hibernation to kill the Starks. This is December 16th and it would become a crucial date throughout the MCU that is constantly used on newspaper articles displaying the death of Howard.

We then jump to the Winter Soldier Program created by Hydra and see some of the forces that were created by the insidious group.

Next up in the timeline is the flashback scene at the start of Black Panther in which we watch Kilmonger’s father murdered by T’Challa’s to stop a war. This puts Kilmonger on a path of revenge in which he would eventually ascend to the throne of Wakanda, only to be overthrown by T’Challa.

From here we get the rest of Captain Marvel. The movie follows Carol as she breaks free of the Kree brainwashing and eventually unites with Skrull refugees to find them a new home. She also meets a young Shield agent known as Nick Fury and inspires him to create the Avengers Initiative. Fury gets his eye cut out by Goose The Cat and the Flerkin vomits up the Tesseract which is then placed back at the base in which Project Pegasus is housed so that Shield can study it.

If you’re watching this scene by scene you wanna skip the first post-credits scene as that doesn’t actually happen towards the end of the timeline and the second one is the one that is still in the 90s.

Again lots of timey whimey wibbly wobbly stuff.

From here we jump to a flashback scene from Ant-Man and The Wasp in which Bill Foster, a previous colleague of Hank Pym meets a young ghost. The two form a friendship which would lead to Bill attempting to strip the girl of the curse that has subjected her to Quantum phasing, I think that’s the term.

Next up is the year 1999 and this is the last scene in the MCU timeline that takes place in the 20th century. We join Tony Stark in Bern on New Year’s Eve. Not only does Tony meet Dr Yinsen, though he was probably too drunk to remember it, but he also meets Maya Hansen and Aldrich Killian, the two of which would go on to create Extremis.

We then cut to the opening credits of the Incredible Hulk and watch Dr Bruce Banner transform himself into the Jolly Green Giant. Incredible Hulk is often overlooked in the MCU but I actually really like the movie, we get to meet Betty who I hope comes back one day as well as General Ross. It also has some cool callbacks to the original 70s show and we get to see Banner Hulk out for the first time.

Next up in the timeline is Iron Man. The ordering of this is a little weird as there is a time jump in the movie after itself. The film opens with Tony in the Funvee but if you wanna watch it scene by scene you need to skip to 4 minutes and 14 seconds and play till 16 25 then watch the prologue scene and then the rest of the movie.

You could just watch the whole movie.

After being kidnapped by the Ten Rings, Tony Stark sees first-hand the damage that his weapons do and he decides to build one that will help humanity. That is the Iron Man armour. He also creates the arc reactor to power it and ends up facing off against his business partner Obidiah Stane who wants to use the technology to create the greatest weapon ever.

It’s still a classic and it’s one of the main reasons for the MCU’s success.

Now before we get to the last scene of the film, if you want to watch things scene by scene in chronological order, you need to pause the movie at the press conference and jump to Iron Man 2.

In the opening of that film, we watch Ivan Vanko’s father dying as the press conference plays in the background. Vanko creates his own arc reactor off the designs his father and Howard Stark helped to create and he vows revenge.

Now you can jump back to Iron Man and watch the scene play out as well as the post-credits scene of that movie in which Nick Fury shows up at Tony’s Malibu mansion to talk about the Avengers Initiative.

We then jump to the Incredible Hulk.

Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk and Thor all take place across the same week and it’s probably the most complex timeline-wise that the MCU gets.

You want to begin with most of the first act of the Hulk Movie up until the half-hour mark. In this Bruce is laying low in South America but after his blood is traced to a factory, General Ross sends the military after him.

Realising his cover is blown and that he needs to find a cure he returns to America.

Roughly at the same time is the opening hour and a half of Iron Man 2. In that, the Senate try to strip Tony’s armour from him but he refuses it. After Vanko attacks Tony at the Grand Prix, Justin Hammer, a competitor of Stark’s, decides to work with him in order to bring the billionaire, philanthropist playboy down. To make matters worse, Tony is suffering from Palladium poisoning and he ends up creating a new element to stop his arc reactor from killing him.

Once you’ve watched up to the hour 24 mark you want to then jump to Thor. We see as the up-and-coming King Of Asgard starts a war on the frost giants which ultimately leads to him being banished and sent to Earth.

Here he meets Jane and then goes through his fish out of water story on Earth.

Stop after the half-hour mark and then go back to Iron Man 2 to see Coulson talking to Stark in his Basement about how he’s going out to go investigate something strange in the desert and then jump back to Thor to watch Jane and the God Of Thunder meeting for the first time.

We then get the post-credits scene of Iron Man 2 in which Coulson arrives to see Mlojnir.

Then jump back to Thor to see him slowly become worthy of the power. During this time Loki decides to start an insurrection to become supplant Odin.

The final act of Thor and Iron Man 2 happens in which Thor proves that he is worthy and he takes down his brother. Tony manages to defeat Vanko and Justin Hammer is arrested. Tony and Pepper kiss and most of Iron Man 2 is done.

You then should watch from the half-hour point onward of the Incredible Hulk up to the hour 43 mark. In that Bruce reunites with Betty and she goes head to head with the military and the Abomination. Hulk manages to best the beast in a battle that breaks Harlem and Bruce flees, leaving Ross to hunt him down.

Jump back to Iron Man 2 and Tony is brought on as a consultant for the Avengers Initiative by Nick Fury.

This sets up the bar meeting in the Incredible Hulk in which Tony visits General Ross to talk to him about the Avengers Initiative.

Next is the prologue scene of Captain America in which his body is discovered in the ice. Shortly after this Cap is awoken in the modern day and Shield tries to ease him into it by placing him in familiar surroundings.

He quickly discovers what happens and it always breaks my heart knowing he missed that dance.

Don’t worry Cap you’ll get it eventually.

Elsewhere in the post-credits scene for Thor in which Loki slowly starts to Manipulate Erik Selvig. Loki clearly has his eyes on the tesseract and this sets up our next part of the timeline.

That is the formation of the Avengers.

You pretty much just have to watch the entire movie at this point and it showcases Earth’s Mightiest Heroes heroes being brought together to stop the Chitari invasion led by Loki.

The Avengers manage to win and we then get our first look at Thanos.

From here the next point in the timeline happens with the second scene of Thor The Dark World. Loki is taken back to Asgard and imprisoned for his crimes in Thor and of course the Avengers.

Back on Earth, Adrian Toomes is trying to salvage scraps from the dead Chitari but he is forced off the job by a corporation headed by none other than Tony Stark.

Pssst just don’t look at the time given at the start of this movie, Sony got it wrong, they messed up, just ignore it.

After this, we go to the second post-credits scene of Homecoming in which Captain America records a video for the troublesome youth of today. He was not an outlaw at this point so would be fine recording this message to remind us that sometimes patience isn’t always rewarded.

Next is the first proper act of Iron Man 3. After leaving him to wait all the way back in 1999, Kilian has created Extremis and slowly started launching terror attacks through the guise of The Mandarin.

Tony suffers from PTSD but with his armada of suits, he can take down Kilian. He also has his arc reactor removed and decides to give up being Iron Man even if just for a brief period.

Next on our list is the rest of Thor The Dark World in which the God Of Thunder teams up with his brother and Jane Foster to stop the Dark Elves from completing what they attempted to do aeons ago.

Thor manages to do it and the Ether is taken to The Collector for the post-credits scene of the film.

This leads us to Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Volume 1 and 2 both happen pretty much back to back if we’re going in chronological order and we watch as the team is formed to stop Ronan from using the Powestone to destroy Xandar.

In the second film, Quill is reunited with his father Ego the Living Planet. Ego wants to unleash his seeds on the universe and Peter and the rest of the bunch managed to stop him. Yondu is also killed and man…I still tear up a bit at this scene.

We then jump back to Earth and watch the events of the Winter Soldier play out. In that Captain America discovers that Hydra has actually become embedded within Shield and that his old friend Bucky is now a brainwashed assassin that works for them taking down targets. Hydra has created an algorithm that will identify their potential enemies and kill them from helicarriers.

Stephen Strange is mentioned in this but he doesn’t pop up just yet.

Instead, we stick with the film and Steve manages to stop Shield and is saved by his friend who he seemingly gets through to. Maria Hill leaves SHIELD for Stark Industries and Nick Fury fakes his own death.

We get the post-credits scene of the film to close us out and realise that Hydra has been working on creating super-powered beings by using the Mind Stone.

Next up is Avengers Age Of Ultron.

After a terrifying vision of what could come sets, Tony, off on a path to create a suit of armour around the world, he accidentally creates a rogue AI known as Ultron.

The Avengers face off against him in what is one of the most underrated movies of the entire MCU and they manage to stop him before he can drop Sokovia from space onto the planet.

The Vision is also created and he becomes one of the most powerful Avengers. Scarlett Witch decides to hook up with the group after seeing the damage that Ultron could unleash and Thor heads off into the stars to investigate the Infinity Stones.

I’ll talk about the post-credits scene in just a bit.

Next up is Ant-Man.

You wanna watch the entire film just before the post-credits scene. In it, we follow Hank Pym as he looks for an ally that he can trust with his technology. He finds this in Scott Lang who takes the mantle of Ant-Man. Pym wants to stop his tech from being replicated and sold to Hydra and with his daughter Hope, the trio put an end to this.

From here we jump to the prologue of Ant-Man and The Wasp in which Hank and his Daughter have a heart-to-heart. In Ant-Man we learned that Hank had sought out after Scott because he didn’t want the same thing to happen to her as what happened to her mother but here he seems to trust her even more.

We then get the post-credits scene of Ant-Man in which he gives her the wasp suit.

Next up is the first 13 minutes of Doctor Strange. In that, we follow the egotistical doc as he gets served one of the most brutal-tasting humble pies ever. I still hate watching this scene. After a horrific accident Strange is confined to the hospital in which the character recovers.

Next, we jump to one of the most loved movies in the MCU – Captain America Civil War.

After Bucky is framed for a bombing that kills the King Of Wakanda, Steve will do whatever he can to defend his friend. This puts him at odds with the Avengers. After a mission ended disastrously they’re on a tight leash with the government and you wanna watch all the way up until just after Tony recruits Peter Parker.

From here we jump to the opening of Spider-Man Homecoming in which we see a vlog shot by the webbed that details his trip to Europe to fight Captain America and Co.

Back in Civil War, the airport scene plays out and Cap and Bucky travel back to the Hydra Winter Soldier facility that we saw all the way back in 1991.

Here Tony confronts them and learns that Bucky killed his parents which sends him into a rage. The Avengers is truly broken apart and Cap manages to defeat the metal man, leaving his shield behind.

Now if you’re watching this in the future then hey I’m glad we made it out of this whole pandemic thing but this is probably where you want to check out Black Widow.

I haven’t seen the movie as of making this video…but you have…so do some damn work yourself, took me about 3 days to make this video.

Anyway, sorry about it, we then jump to the end of Captain America Civil War and see firstly Bucky being dropped off in Wakanda and secondly Peter playing with his new Spider suit.

From then the majority of Black Panther happens. You just need to skip the intro and then play the rest of the movie from the 6:22 minute mark until the end. We watch as Kilmonger stages a coup to take over Wakanda and he actually succeeds. T’Challa does eventually take the title of King back but it was a long and tough journey for him.

Before the post-credits scene, we then cut to Spider-man Homecoming and watch as Peter goes head to head with The Vulture and his forces. Peter is heavily mentored by Tony but after he disappoints the billionaire his suit is taken away.

Using his homemade one, Peter can stop the Vulture and he wins favour with Stark again, even being invited to go upstate. Peter turns down the opportunity to join his forces and Tony ends up proposing to Pepper to give the press something to talk about.

From here in the timeline, we then see a bit more of Doctor Strange’s recovery in which he realises that conventional methods won’t work.

You then have to jump to the prologue of that movie in which we watch the Ancient battling the forces of Kaecillius.

We then cut back to the rest of Doctor Strange from the 18 minutes onwards and watch as he trains in the ways of Magic. Strange ends up using the Time Stone as a weapon and through it he can save the planet from Dormammu.

During this time the events of Ant-Man and The Wasp happen. After the events of the Civil War, Scott has been put under house arrest. Hope and Hank are fugitives but they go to Scott for help after he seemingly carries a message from Janet who may still be alive in the Quantum Realm. Every step of the way they are stopped by Ghost and Sonny Burch. However, in the end, they manage to reconnect with Janet and save Ghost from perishing.

You wanna stop just before the post-credits scene and jump to the post-credits scene of Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 2 in which Kraglin gets Yondus fin and plays about with his arrow.

We then go to the second post-credits scene of Doctor Strange 2 in which Mordo begins to hunt down wizards across Earth.

From here we go to the first hour of Thor Ragnarok. Haunted by Nightmares of Ragnarok, Thor has decided to stop Surtur before he can ever bring about the prophecy. He manages to do this but returns to Asgard to find Loki masquerading as Odin. After he forces him to drop his disguise the two return to Earth and find Odin at death’s door.

He bids them farewell and as his magic is no longer keeping Hela trapped in the underworld she is unleashed.

Thor and Loki both end up on Sakaar where the former meets Valkyrie and The Hulk.

Finally, we go to the Avengers Age Of Ultron post-credits scene in which Thanos gets the Infinity Gauntlet and decides that he has to get the Infinity Stones himself.

Back in Ragnarok Tho returns to Asgard and stops Hela by destroying the Kingdom.

We then get the post-credits scene of the film and jump immediately into Infinity War to see Thanos ravaging the ship.

The events of Infinity War happen and Thanos collects all of the Infinity Stones before carrying out the snap which wipes out half of all life in the universe.

During this, we cut to the post-credits scene of Ant-Man and the Wasp in which we see Scott stuck in the Quantum Realm as all of the Pyms get dusted.

You should also watch the opening of Endgame at this point as it shows Hawkeye’s family succumbing to the snap, leaving him to become the Ronan.

Nick Fury and Maria Hill are also killed during this but Nick manages to reach out to Carol with the pager that he received from her.

The last couple of minutes of Infinity War then happens in which Thanos sits downs and smiles for what he thinks is a grateful universe.

In the second post-credit scene of Ant-Man and the wasp plays in which we see the Scott replacement bashing away on the drums and then we go to Avengers HQ to see Carol meeting them for the first time. She responds to Nick’s distress call and we then cut to Nebula and Tony adrift in space.

Carol rescues them and the Avengers mount an attack to get the Infinity Stones back. They kill Thanos during this and a big-time jump happens.

Scott returns from The Quantum Realm and he goes to Avengers HQ to tell them about the possibilities of The Quantum Realm. With the help of Tony, the Avengers can travel back through time to various points including the Battle Of New York, Thor The Dark World and Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 1. They manage to retrieve the Infinity Stones but Nebula is switched out with her older self and in the present, she brings Thanos through.

The Avengers reverse the snap and pretty much all of the heroes in the MCU face down against Thanos and his forces. Tony manages to carry out his own snap and the alternate version of Thanos is destroyed.

Tony dies too and the Avengers go their separate ways. Thor goes with the Guardians, Steve goes back in time to live out his life with Peggy and Falcon becomes the next Captain America.

In the wake of this Spider-Man Far From Home happens and it centres around Peter taking up the position of the next Iron Man. Peter goes head to head with Quentin Beck, an ex-Stark employee that wants to take his drone technology. Peter wins but his identity is outed by Beck in a video message that is played to the world.

We don’t know what happens to the webhead but the final event in the timeline happens and we see the post-credits scene of Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2. In that Adam Warlock is teased and the Infinity Saga comes to an end with a lot of things left up in the air for next time.

And that’s the entire timeline!

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