Andrew Garfield Reveals All About Spider-Man No...

Andrew Garfield Reveals All About Spider-Man No Way Home And His NEXT MCU Appearance

Andrew Garfield spent most of 2021 playing the Werewolf game with the entire world.

I was kinda hoping that he’d continue to deny being in the film and even on his deathbed would be telling people that he’s not the werewolf. However, the actor has now opened up about his part in Spider-Man No Way Home and he’s also teased what could be coming in the future with the character.

Throughout this, we’re gonna be breaking down all the interviews that he’s given over the last couple of days whilst also talking about our theories on what could happen next.

Spider-man No Way Home was the biggest movie of 2021 and it capitalised on 20 years of storytelling after it brought Tobey and Andrew back as their versions of the wall-crawler.

Throughout the year we watched Andrew getting more and more exhausted as people constantly asked if he was in it. Several leaks happened and not even a Doctor Strange spell could make us forget some of the times he got caught in 4k.

Entertainment Tonight Interview

Finally, though he can now talk about what’s happened and we have a brand new interview with Entertainment Tonight that I wanna break down first.

I absolutely love how giddy he is in this and if you were following his portrayal in the Amazing Spider-man movies you might remember that Garfield actually opened up about worshipping the webhead when he was a kid. Garfield was a super fan of the character and in all honesty, I think he’s my favourite onscreen Spider-Man. Seeing the three together at the same time side by side kinda reminded me of just how good he actually was and I think that he gave such a good performance that everyone can now appreciate what he brought to the role.

andrew garfield amazing spiderman no way home iconic scene


Now in the interview, he went on to talk about the themes of being a hero and how he and Tobey played a mentoring role to Tom Holland’s version.

Garfield said:

“The theme of mentorship and how these two people across the universe were the only ones that could really, fully understand what this young man was going through, and that was really important to us as well, that it was really about Tom and Tom’s character, Tom’s Peter, Tom’s journey as the centre of that,”

When we think about the movie there’s very much the theme running through it that Peter could end up going down the dark path that they did. Both at one point discuss how the big death in their life changed who they were as a person and it’s almost a warning to Tom Holland’s version.

Now Tobey’s Peter stops Tom from killing the person that was responsible for Aunt May’s death. Him being the person that somewhat led to the death of the guy that was working with Flint Marko and killed Uncle Ben haunted him a lot. Also, I hate that retcon man, having to jump through those hoops of explaining Uncle Ben’s death every time does my head in so I hope that Feige just steps in one day and says it was always him.

Anyway, that steered him away from one direction but Andrew’s was a lot more subtle.

Gwen Stacy dying was what stopped him from pulling his punches and thus him stopping MJ from falling to her death also meant that Tom wouldn’t be angered about losing the love of his life.

In the interview, Garfield also revealed that he and Tobey snuck into a screening of the film alongside Director Jon Watts. They said they initially wanted to just stay there to see what the reaction was like when they returned but that they ended up sitting through the entire film because ey, it’s just that good.

Variety Interview

Now Garfield also interviewed with Variety and he shared some behind-the-scenes info saying:

“I think the first time we were all in the suit together, it was hilarious because it’s like just three ordinary dudes who were just actors just hanging out. But then also, you just become a fan and say, “Oh my god we’re all together in the suits and we’re doing the pointing thing!” We would have deeper conversations, too, and talk about our experiences with the character. And to have Amy Pascal there, who has seen through nine movies, including “Spider-Verse.” It was a revelatory experience for her, realizing how much life and time she’d given to this character. That was beautiful and profound.”

Really nice tidbit that and I know Amy Pascal often gets a lot of crap but she has very much guided the character for a long time and even though not all of the films she’s created have been universally loved I think that she’s had way way more hits than misses.


Improvised Lines

Now Garfield went on to talk about improvising lines in the film and he confirmed that the moment in which he says he loves Tom and Tobey was ad-libbed.

This is such a great part of the film and it almost feels like he’s speaking from the heart when he delivers it.

Will We See More?

Now when discussing the future of his character, Andrew had to remain pretty tightlipped but he did say the following.

“I mean, yes, definitely open to something if it felt right. Peter and Spider-Man, those characters are all about service, to the greater good and the many. He’s a working-class boy from Queens that knows struggle and loss and is deeply empathetic. I would try to borrow Peter Parker’s ethical framework in that, if there was an opportunity to step back in and tell more of that story, I would have to feel very sure and certain in myself.”

Now the fact that Andrew has said he’s open to returning, and Sony being Sony, I can definitely see him coming back. Sony isn’t exactly Warner Bros and they do listen to their fans, especially if they know things are gonna make money. Pretty much the entire MCU deal hinged on people complaining that Spider-man wasn’t part of it and I think that you can pretty much guarantee that they’ll find a way to work things out.

Sony also of course want a lot more control of their IP and I can potentially see us getting Tom staying in the MCU whilst Andrew goes off and continues his own franchise. This could be more connected to their other properties like Venom and just in the same way that Miles Morales will be interacting with a lot more versions of Spider-man, he could too.

I’d absolutely love to see him united with Spider-Gwen and if they brought Emma Stone back then it would be a licence to print money.

Now Morbius was originally supposed to release at the end of the month but it was pushed back.

Because of this a lot of people have theorised that Andrew will be shooting additional scenes for it but my spoiler sense is kinda tingling on that a bit.

And by spoiler-sense I mean bulls**t radar.

You have to remember that Sony already knew Andrew was gonna be in the movie for several years so I think that they would already have things planned out. I think that Andrew will probably already have shot scenes if he’s going to be in it and I think the delay was more to do with the pandemic and giving No Way Home a bit more room to breathe at the box office.

Now I do think that he will probably show up in Morbius and if not we riot.

MCU’s Next Big Storyline

Beyond that though in terms of the MCU I actually think that everything is building up towards Secret Wars. This is something we reported on after Avengers Endgame and there have been rumours for a while that it’s coming. In case you don’t know, Secret Wars basically involved the multiverse being cracked open and alternate worlds had to battle for their survival. There were tonnes of different versions of the characters and with the events of Loki happening the way they did, I think that’s what we’re building towards.

This would allow Andrew to come into the main universe to fight for his world’s existence and yeah, it’s gonna be interesting to see what happens.

Now as for Tobey, I kinda think he might show up in Doctor Strange in the multiverse of Madness. You might remember that we reported a while back that Feige actually got Raimi back to somewhat also help secure Tobey for No Way Home.

With the director and actor so closely linked in their career and the multiverse also ripping open I can see him possibly showing up in that film and it would be great to see him back.

In the end, though I am a bit annoyed with Andrew though.

He spent ages denying it, constantly saying that he wasn’t in No Way Home.

Then the movie comes out and all of a sudden he’s like ‘yeah I’m in it and I always was.’

It’s clout chasing, it’s bloody clout chasing I tell you and I don’t like it.

Anyway you know we love to end the videos with a crap joke and there it is but I know there’s a lot to talk about with this.

I’d of course love to hear your thoughts so make sure you comment below and let me know you punk.


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