El Camino: Breaking Bad Movie Review: NO SPOILERS

El Camino: Breaking Bad Movie Review: NO SPOILERS

breaking bad el camino everything we know so far about the netflix show

Hey everyone, welcome to the channel, whilst we are normally the Heavy Spoilers show, I thought I’d take time to do a spoiler free review of the new Breaking Bad Movie: El Camino just because there’s a lot of secrets and surprises that you may not want ruined for you. I’m just going to be giving my general thoughts on the film and whether it’s worth checking out or if it ruins the perfect ending that we got with the ending of Season Five.

Now if that’s all you’ve come here to hear then you’ll be pleased to know that I thought it was great and a really good extension of the original storyline that fleshes out Jesse’s fate with a satisfying conclusion. Without ruining too much of the plot, this film follows the aforementioned character as he tries to escape a police hunt. This picks up immediately after the closing moments of season five with the movie opening with a flashback before going straight into those seconds where Jesse was driving up the road to his apparent freedom.

And boy does the film not let up, throughout there’s a really tense atmosphere to it all that had me on the edge of my seat. You really get the feeling that Jesse is in way over his head and there are some incredible close calls even simple ones such as a guy just watering his plants that could potentially spot him. All of this elevates it to crazy heights at certain points and it’s arguably the most nail biting entry in the entire series.

breaking bad el camino everything we know so far about the netflix show

El Camino Cameos

In addition to this there are also some awesome El Cameos that really feel like a great trek down memory lane and a reminder of just how good the show was. Whilst I don’t want to spoil these neat little pop-ups, let’s just say they really got a whole host of past actors from the show to reprise their roles and watching them return is some incredible fan service.

Now whilst this probably wasn’t a necessary entry and many people, myself included, were worried that this could potentially ruin the entire show. By it’s close I was so glad that they decided to do it because this was well worth the six-year wait and the two hours run time.

It can’t be overstated just how good Aaron Paul’s depiction of Jesse Pinkman is once more and he really really delivers in every aspect, portraying a truly broken man with incredible ease.

Nikhil Pereira summed it up perfectly on my spoiler video by saying that this is the dlc that makes you beg for more and I really don’t think there’s a more fitting comment for the entire film.

There’s very little to fault here and if this is the last we ever see of the character then I’m glad that we at least had one more chance to learn of his fate and what really happened to him after he was freed from captivity. Somehow, some way, Vince Gilligan nailed the landing twice and recemented Breaking Bad as one of the best shows of all time.

Breaking Bad: El Camino is awesome and it gets a…


Your Thoughts

Now obviously I’d love to hear your thoughts on the film and if you enjoyed it as much as I did. I’ve already put out a full spoiler talk on the movie in which I go over the entire plot and give my thoughts on it with the additions of all the good bits that I can’t talk about here.

Make sure you head over there if you wanna know more and if you enjoyed this video then please give it a thumbs up and if you wanna come chat to me on twitter then you can follow me @deffinitionYT it’s the best way to keep up to date with the channel so hopefully I see you over there after this.

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