Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina Part 4: Everythi...

Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina Part 4: Everything We Know So Far | Release Date, Plot, Cast And More!

chilling adventures of sabrina part 3 ending explained spoiler talk review breakdown

If you’ve finished the third season of Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina then chances are you want to know more.

The season ended on a big cliffhanger and throughout this, we’re gonna be breaking down everything we know so far about the upcoming part 4. This includes why we know the show is a guarantee, the release date, cast and potential plot.

There will be some spoilers here in regards to the third season’s ending so if you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet then I highly recommend that you turn off now.

With that out the way let’s get into our breakdown of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Part 4!

Will There Be A Part 4?

A big question that’s floating about at the moment is ‘will there even be a part 4?’

A lot of seasons on Netflix such as the OA, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and so on get canceled halfway through their run and the streaming service has stated in the past that they do this because new shows bring in new subscribers whereas already established ones don’t.

This is why a lot of seasons get shut down after Season 3.

However, Sabrina Part 4 is already guaranteed as back in 2018, the Broadcasting Giant ordered both a third and fourth season. It was stated at the time by the Hollywood Reporter that both parts would consist of 8 episodes.

We’ve already had this with part 3 so it looks like Part 4 will also have the same amount.

Upon the announcement, showrunner Roberto Aguiree-Sacasa said:

“Praise Satan! I’m so grateful to my partners at Warner Bros., Netflix, Berlanti Television and Archie Productions for supporting this darker vision of the world’s most famous teen witch. I’m thrilled to be continuing to tell Sabrina’s chilling adventures with our incredible cast and crew, led by the unstoppable Kiernan Shipka.”

So it’s already a given but when will part 4 be released?

Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina Part 4 Release Date

Well, it may surprise you to learn that Sabrina is apparently already filming. The production on part 3 wrapped in October and it was stated at the time that filming would pick up just two weeks later. Therefore Part 4 is already probably a lot of the way through its shooting schedule and it could possibly be announced soon that it has finished filming.

Kiernan Shipka has been posting a flurry of images onto her Instagram that look like they’re from a set or at least the production so it is possible that things are well underway.

But with the project far into its production, when will it be released?

Well whilst we don’t have a definite date, we can use the past to judge when we can expect to see the entry. There was a six-month gap between parts 1 and 2 which were filmed similar to parts 3 and 4. These first two parts were ordered together as were the latter so we can use this to guesstimate the upcoming release date.

Netflix shows tend to release annually, however, Sabrina is its own entity and therefore we can assume that Season 4 will be releasing in the summer of 2020.

So it doesn’t look like we will be waiting that long which is great news for fans of the show as it did end on a big cliffhanger that I’m sure many people want to see resolved.

chilling adventures of sabrina season 4 everything we know so far release date cast plot ending explained spoiler talk review part 3 predictions breakdown easter eggs 4k

The Cast

All of the notable cast members are returning including of course Kiernan Shipka’s Sabrina, Miranda Otto as Aunt Zelda and Lucy Davis as Aunt Hilda.

Chance Perdomo is back as Ambrose, Tati Gabrielle is returning as Prudence and Ross Lunch will be reprising the role of Harvey. Theo is back, Rosaline and Nick are too set to return and all are expected to play major roles in the upcoming show.

As for the villains Michelle Gomez will be back as Wardwell/Lilith and Richard Coyle will be returning as Father Blackwood.

The extras such as Caliban who we saw Sabrina trap in episode 8. The character is likely angered by this and it is possible that his quest for the throne could see him going head to head with Sabrina…or rather the version of her that is now sat on the throne.

Rounding out the Spellman clan led by Kiernan Shipka’s Sabrina are Miranda Otto (Lord of the Rings) as Aunt Zelda, Lucy Davis (The Office) as Aunt Hilda and Chance Perdomo as cousin Ambrose.

As for the plot itself, we do have some hints about what it could be about and it sounds like they are really going all out with it.

Season 4 Plot

Part 3 ended with a lot of things up in the air after the character ended up using time-travel to go and save Greendale from the Pagans. Sabrina was supposed to allow herself to be trapped by Caliban in order to continue the loop and stop a paradox from being created.

However, the character stopped this and thus created two versions of herself.

With this, she was able to please both sides of her life.

Sabrina has always been wanted as The Queen Of Hell and this lineage has haunted her for the majority of her life. She has always just wanted to be normal, have friends and sway away from this but Satan wouldn’t allow her to do it.

However, with her doppelganger, Sabrina was able to live the best of both worlds and one version of her went on to rule hell whilst the other continued with her normal life.

Sabrina Vs Sabrina

We theorised that the double in hell would become jealous of Sabrina and that she would probably end up going head to head with the character. Lilith did dress her for war and we do know from the alternate timeline that Caliban tried to turn Earth into the tenth circle of hell after being lead by both Satan and the bearer of his child.

Therefore it is possible that this new Sabrina could end up following the same path, but rather than going head to head with the Pagans, end up going against her alternate version.

This time paradox is clearly going to cause problems and the showrunner explained how the season will work with two versions of the character running around.

In an interview with TV Guide, Aguirre-Sacasa said the following:

“I can tell you that the temporal paradox that happens at the end of our finale is something that we will be playing with in Part 4, and as usual with Sabrina, something that seems innocent goes catastrophically wrong and creates more drama. We will be definitely revisiting that time paradox in Part 4,”

This twist did anger some people and I did see a lot of people commenting that it felt like a cop-out. However, this does have a basis in the source material and when discussing this aspect the showrunner stated:

“I will say though that there is a very proud tradition in the history of Sabrina in the comics and the [Melissa Joan Hart] version of Sabrina having a twin. So we will be adding to that methodology in a pretty unique way I hope.”

So it does look like they will be playing with this quite a lot and though I did say that the two versions could end up going to war at least we will get some fun with it beforehand.

Lilith’s Pregnancy

In regards to one of the other cliffhangers, namely Lilith’s big pregnancy, the creator stated that this also would return in part 4. They said:

“At the end of Part 3, Lilith’s secured a tentative stay of execution. Her journey moving forward will be how to leverage that baby to get power back from Lucifer and to get that much closer to the throne. That’s very much in play for her for Part 4 and now that Sabrina is ruling in Hell, it gives us a chance to play out a demonic version of the royal family. In Lucifer, we will see someone who is grooming his firstborn to be a real monarch. Sabrina spent a lot of time avoiding that, but what Lucifer wants basically is to pass the family business on to Sabrina and mentor her.”

So it does look like we will be seeing a lot more of hell. Satan was pretty much relegated to being trapped inside Nick and then later Father Blackwood for the majority of part 3 so this would be a good opportunity to bring him into the show properly.

We’ve not really seen how he acts like a dad as he was revealed to be Sabrina’s father in part 2 and then trapped by the end of it. There wasn’t really a big opportunity for him to show the way that he would really go on with the character and thus I really hope that Part 4 focuses on this.

By the sounds of it it will which is great news.

Though we will be seeing a lot of Hell it also looks like we will also be seeing at least some of Heaven…just a minor glimpse probably but maybe just a bit.


The interview with the showrunner ended with them stating “Without spoiling too much, we will get a hint of Heaven, yes.”

So it looks like there is a lot to look forward to. We still don’t know what was in Father Blackwood’s egg and what kind of creation he’s unleashed on the world but no doubt this will pop up in part 4.

Overall I’m really excited for the show and I enjoyed the third season and have had a lot of fun with the run overall. I’m glad that they are doing it in parts with shorter production schedules as it means that the wait between entries isn’t too long which is great news for fans like myself who could happily binge-watch a season of the show in a day.

Hopefully, the trailer for part 4 is here before we know and make sure you keep yourself locked into the channel for more updates as they come in.

Your Thoughts

Now obviously I’d love to hear your thoughts about the upcoming season and what you wanna see in it. Comment below and let me know!

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