MOON KNIGHT Theories | Midnight Sons, AmmitR...

MOON KNIGHT Theories | Midnight Sons, Ammit’s Plan, Jake, What’s Going On With His Mother, Bad Accent And More

Moon Knight Episode 1 was pretty wild and God Ammit we have some big fan theories about what could be going on in the show. Throughout this video, we’re gonna be discussing what we think could be going on with Steven’s mother, Ammit’s Plan, why Jake may already be in the series and a lot more.

Full spoilers ahead so if you haven’t had a chance to check it out then off you pop!


Steven Grant’s Mother

Episode 1 of the show sees Steven Grant living a pretty lowly life. We’re even introduced to the character through the song Man Without Love by Englebert Humperdink and the guy spends his days either at work or leaving voicemails to his mother.

Now the first theory I wanna dive into is how his Mummy is as dead as a Mummy.

In case you don’t know, in the comics, Marc is actually the main personality and therefore if his mother was alive she’d be like ‘where’s my son and why is he talking in a crap cockney accent?’

We’ll get into that accent more later on but I don’t think that Mrs Grant actually exists and this is why Steven is leaving voicemails and receiving postcards instead of talking to her directly.

In Episode 1 we actually get a shot that focuses our attention on the postcards being sold at Steven’s workplace and therefore Marc could be buying them, writing them out and then sending them to himself so that it keeps up the illusion that everything is fine.

This would also explain why he’s buying goldfishes and I think that the Nemo-looking one we meet at the start of the episode died. This is why when Steven goes to the pet store the assistant says he was in the day before asking for one finned goldfish because Marc wanted to make it look like nothing had changed.

Huge shoutouts to Todd Vincy on our last video for pointing out that the second Goldfish doesn’t eat any of the food Steven puts out because it was likely already fed by Marc.

Now if we look at the comics there’s also a big indicator that Steven’s mother is dead.

Marc had quite a rough childhood and his mother Wendy sadly passed away when he was very little. Trauma at a young age is actually one of the main factors that cause DID and it might actually be his mother’s death that set off his personality split. The Moon Knight collection by Jeff Lemire actually shows us the first time that Steven was created and Marc viewed him as an imaginary friend.

Looking beyond this we know that Fernanda Andrade has been cast as Wendy Spector and with the actress being quite young, I doubt she was old enough to have a kid Steven Grant’s age. Thus she’ll likely be popping up in flashbacks and down the line, we might actually see the events that led to her death playing out in the series.

This would explain how Marc’s DID was formed, explain all the voicemails and postcards and also be quite a big twist if you’re someone who doesn’t watch 20 theory videos a week and have everything all figured out because you refuse to let yourself enjoy anything.


The Accent

Now it’s time for a joke.

Who should Steven go to see after he broke his jaw?

A Cairo-practor. Ey, Cairo ey ey.

Anyway one of the big criticisms about Oscar Isaac’s performance as Steven is of course his goofy London accent. Just to clarify I find it quite funny and actually like what he’s doing with it BUT there are a lot of people online that out and out hate it.


Lend me your ears because I actually have a theory that it might be bad on purpose.

Now we know from the secret agent TV spot that Marc is going to be in line with his comic book counterpart and that the character will be an American mercenary. With him actually being American, it explains why his British accent isn’t that good and it would make sense as to why Steven sounds a bit off.

He’s likely only developed this persona recently so he wouldn’t have everything down and would just be doing a bad one because no Americans can do British accents.

Can you, be honest now.

Missing Religion?

This sort of ties into another point that’s getting a lot of criticism.

As many of you know, Marc is Jewish but this has been completely skipped over in the show and it’s caused a bit of controversy. Marc being Jewish was purposely placed into the comics because the writers wanted to explore the relationship between an Egyptian God and A Jewish person due to its roots in religion. This seems to be absent from the show though they could also reveal it through Marc when we start to learn more about him.

Right now we are mainly seeing things through the eyes of Steven so I hope that it pops up down the line at some point.

If we look at the IMDB cast we also apparently have Elias Spector popping up who in the comics was a Rabbi that would end up bringing this altogether.

Ammit and Harrow’s Plan

Now Ammit’s plan is still a mystery at the moment and we know that Arthur Harrow desperately wants the Golden Scarab. TV Spots have revealed that he eventually gets this and that it takes him to what I’m guessing is Egypt.

Resurrecting her is a big part of his plan so that he can create heaven on earth or as I call it, my life if I hadn’t been forced to go see Morbius for this channel.

Now at one point in the episode, Harrow weighs the souls of two people. The first of these is a young man and the second is an old woman. The former lives whilst the latter dies and if we look at Harrow’s ranks, it seems to be full of guys just like this.

Something seems off and instead, I think that Ammit is just recruiting those that are strongest so that Harrow has more of a chance of resurrecting her. An old woman likely has little use in fighting a war and thus she’s killed.

Now in mythology Ammit is also known as the soul devourer and it makes sense that she’d have to eat souls to power herself up.

Good souls would probably replenish her more than bad souls would and I think the good people are being killed so that Ammit can feed whereas the bad ones are being allowed to remain behind to become soldiers.

And speaking of bad souls we are still yet to be introduced to Jake Lockley, the third personality that inhabits Marc’s body.

However, however, however, perhaps the Jake personality is the person that we’ve been dealing with whilst most of us have assumed its Marc.

Meeting Layla

In the episode, Steven discovers a phone with several missed calls from a woman named Layla who could potentially be a love interest for the character. She has been hitting his phone up quite a lot and seems genuinely concerned about him. Secondly, all the scenes we get with Marc make him out to be a bit of a wreck who’s barely holding it together as he’s trapped behind a mirror. In the comics, Marc is a cold-blooded killer that isn’t really a ladies’ man and though he has a love interest in a woman named Marlene, he’s always trying to keep a low profile.

That’s what this Marc seems to be doing too and if we are right about him buying postcards and goldfishes to hide the truth it doesn’t make sense that he’d set up dates.

Where’s Jake?

This would have the potential to set Steven off to learn the truth and therefore I kinda think that it’s actually Jake who organised the date.

Marc probably also knows enough about Steven to know he’s a vegan and the more that I think about it the more likely it is that it’s probably Jake behind all the date stuff. Jake might have even eaten the fish or something and then Marc would’ve had to rush out to get another one so that Steven didn’t suspect anything.

I’d love for there to be a big twist that reveals Jake has been there the entire time and we just didn’t know it because we were so fixated on the two.

Lastly huge shoutouts to TeesPV who pointed out that if you scan the QR code in the museum that it actually takes you to the Marvel website for Moon Knight.

Great Easter egg that I didn’t even pick up in our first breakdown and it’s always nice to see when people do your job way better than you do it.

I hope that TeesPV is actually one of my offshoot personalities like Kevin Spoilers and in a way…yeah…now I think about it I actually found that easter egg.

See ya, chump.

Anyway, that concludes the video and I’d, of course, love to hear your thoughts on the theories. If you have any then make sure that you leave them in the comments below.

We have five weeks ahead of us in this mind-bending Moon Knight series and I will be back at some point down the road to discuss these theories in more in-depth as well as what we’ve learned about the show.

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