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With San Diego Comicon right around the corner, I thought I’d break down everything we know so far about the upcoming Marvel Panel.

Throughout this, I’ll be breaking down all of the rumoured movies, tv shows and games and confirmed panel reports to give you an idea of what to expect when the shows go live next week.

This is full spoilers ahead, so if you don’t want any of the big surprises ruined then I highly suggest that you turn off now. I’ll also be diving into past Marvel movies, so if you’re not fully caught up then this is the best time to leave

With that out the way I just wanna give a huge thank you for clicking this video, I hope you enjoy it, now sit back, relax and let’s get into my breakdown of the MCU Comicon Panel.

Hall H

Ok so the Marvel events will begin on Thursday the 18th of July at 1:30Pm PST and it kickstarts with a Marvel Games event in Hall H. This panel will be showcasing many of the upcoming Marvel Games such as Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, Iron-Man VR and Marvel’s Avengers.

Following this at 3:30 pm PST we are getting an Agents of SHIELD to discuss the ending of Season Six and what to expect with Season Seven. This is a fully packed panel with all of the Stars of the show making an appearance including Clark Gregg.

Friday, July 19

The next day at 11:00 AM we are getting a conversation with the Russo Brothers who will be discussing their whole Marvel History and the four films that they worked on. This isn’t an official Marvel panel as per se but they will no doubt be answering questions based around their films.

After this, at 12:00 pm PST is a panel with Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely who were the writers for Captain America: The First Avenger, The Winter Soldier, Infinity War, Endgame and yes Thor: The Dark World. They’ll no doubt be going over the writing process of the films and how they built an overarching message throughout the movies and laced the seeds for Endgame.

Saturday, July 20

Next in Hall H is the big event that everyone is looking forward to. This is happening on the 20th of July at 5:15 PST and will be hosted by Kevin Feige. The panel is apparently going to be filled with surprise guests and throughout the actors and creators will be going over the upcoming Phase 4 Slate which I’ll now get into properly.

Black Widow

Whilst Marvel has not officially announced a Black Widow Movie yet, due to behind the scenes images, leaks and so on we know for definite that the solo is due to be released next year. Comicon apparently will feature a footage debut of the film give us our first glimpse at what is going on with the film. The film will star Rachel Weisz, most likely as Widows mentor, as well as Florence Pugh who is playing a rival assassin. She is reportedly Yelena Belova, who has been described as a moral opposite to Widow and will likely be the reason that the character decides to vacate her position and join SHIELD.

Whilst Taskmaster has been shown in leaked footage and is rumoured to be the villain of the movie, I actually think Belova will take up this spot as she seems like a far more likely opponent.

In addition to this, David Harbor is set to star in the film, though details of his casting is unknown. We will likely learn Widow’s father’s name which was teased in Endgame and Harbor could definitely fit into that role.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Three

The Next rumoured film is Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3. This film will not be called Asgardians Of The Galaxy as recently confirmed by James Gunn, however, there have been leaks from infamous spoiler, Roger Wardell.

The film apparently picks up with Thor as a member of the crew and it centres around them searching for Gamora. There have been several rumours that Beta Ray Bill will make an appearance in the film too which would set up Asgardians Of The Galaxy as well as the following plot elements which Wardell tweeted:

Rocket’s creator is the High Evolutionary, Drax is in for a big surprise when he discovers his daughter is alive. Rocket also gets a love interest in the form of Lylla. Nebula and Star-Lord will grow into closer friends.

The High Evolutionary is reportedly the main villain and apparently was the creator of Beta Ray Bill. Zac Efron is rumored to be playing Adam Warlock who due to the events of Endgame, will have had five years to mature in his pod that was teased in the post-credits scene of the prior film. James Gunn has written and is directing the film and it’s set to make a big mark on the Marvel Universe, with Gamora gradually introducing the idea of alternate timelines and realities.

Doctor Strange 2

After this comes Doctor Strange 2 directed by Scott Derrickson who was at the helm of the first film. This movie will centre around the battle between Strange and Mordo, who, at the end of the prior film had begun hunting wizards. Lord Nightmare will also make an appearance and try and play the two off against each other. The casting for the character is reportedly currently between Christian Bale and Matt Smith with Marvel Execs torn between the two actors. Strange is set up to become one of the new anchors of the MCU and he will likely be drafted into working with the Avengers at the end of this film. The movie is due to start filming in 2020 with a release of 2021 which will keep up with Marvel’s schedule.

The Eternals

Following Doctor Strange 2 is The Eternals, starring Angelina Jolie and directed by Chloé Zhao. The film is reported to push further into the cosmic side of the MCU.

The cast list for the Eternals is currently huge with a wide range of people being noted as working on the film including the recently drafted in Millie Bobby Brown of Stranger Things Fame.

For those who don’t know, The Eternals are a race of extremely powerful beings. Think of Superman times 100 and you get the idea. They’re primarily used to fight their foes the deviants and they’ll massively open up the scope of the MCU, perhaps introducing Galactus. Richard Madden has been rumoured to be involved and this film could be playing Ikaris, the group’s leader. This will definitely add another layer to the already expansive dimensions that the MCU deals with and opens up endless possibilities.

The most interesting thing is that Thanos was actually an Eternal, though he was born with a deviant gene which changed his appearance. However, he could still massively play into the movie in one form or another, whether through flashback to their origin story or another plot device.

Either way this is shaping up to be a big big movie and it looks like Marvel are pinning a lot on this.

Black Panther 2

Springboarding off this is Black Panther 2. Ryan Coogler has signed on to return to write and direct it and there has also been confirmed by the cast and crew that Michael B. Jordan will be returning, though this will likely be on the spiritual plane. This film will follow Wakanda introducing their technology to the rest of the world and probably showcase that this may have dire consequences with it falling into the wrong hands.

There are a lot of rumours that this movie will introduce Namor into the comics and have Wakanda facing off against Atlantis. This could tie into the Underwater Earthquake that Okoye mentioned in Endgame and set up the rivalry between the two countries.

Other Films

In addition to this, other films apparently part of the slate are Shang-Chi, mystical martial artists that’s bound to get the bad taste of Iron-Fist out of everyone’s mouth. The Mandarin is rumoured to be his father and this will of course tie back to Iron-Man 3. Thor 4 which will centre around more adventures between the character and Beta Ray Bill after he is introduced in Guardians 3, Ant-Man 3, Captain Marvel 2, Spider-man 3, New Avengers, Young Avengers and Dark Avengers.

The characters that have been confirmed for Disney + Shows, such as Loki, Vision, Scarlett Witch, Bucky, and Falcon are too said to be interacting with the movies and these television offshoots will massively play into the universe too.

Leaked reports say that whilst we aren’t getting another Infinity Saga, we are getting several mini-arcs that will span three to six films thus allowing more Marvel Big Names to be introduced such as Doctor Doom and more.

In addition to this Kevin Feige has said on multiple occasions that Marvel are trying to introduce Nova into the MCU with the character originally appearing in Infinity War and being defeated by Thanos on Xander when he retrieved the power stone. Whilst this scene was cut, there was a reference to the character in Far From Home and they are desperately trying to set the character up to appear in these films.

Phase 5

After Phase 4 we will reportedly finally get the X-men and Fantastic Four in the universe and whilst I’d love to see these in the next phase of Marvel Movies, studio execs are reportedly holding off to put some distance between themselves and the fox incarnations.

This is probably the smart thing to do and there’s still a hell of a lot to look forward to in the upcoming films.

Your Thoughts

Obviously, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this news and if it’s gotten you hyped for for Comicon. Comment below and let me know and if you enjoyed this video then please like it and make sure that you check out my breakdown of the John Cena Casting News for Falcon and Winter Soldier which will be linked at the end. I go over all of the details we know so far and how he could play into the overall plot of it so it’s definitely worth checking out if you wanna know more.

I also just wanna let you know that we are giving away a free copy of Avengers: Endgame to one lucky winner and all you have to do is like this video, make sure that you’re subscribed to the channel and leave your thoughts on the panel in the comments below.

The winner will be chosen at random on August the 10th and the blu ray will be shipped out from then to whoever gets the prize. Best of luck to everyone who takes part