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INVINCIBLE: Was Omni-Man Right?

Invincible has one of the biggest plot twists in a comic book property ever.

The reveal that everyone’s favourite Super Powered Dad was actually part of a race of Supremacists hell-bent making the best Queen Tribute Act Ever came out of nowhere. Even when he was doing his best Andrew Garfield impression and denying everything, we knew he was the werewolf that was definitely appearing in Spider-man 3….sorry going to take over the world.

But was he right and should we bow down to our Viltrumite overlords in order to allow them to rule over our tiny and pathetic race who would be lucky to even be classed as a pet?

Well, that’s what we’re gonna be discussing in this and I’m gonna be breaking down the pros and cons of a Viltrumite takeover. Yaaay.

There will be some spoilers here in regards to the comics so if you don’t want to know what happens to Nolan after he leaves Earth then I recommend that you leave Earth…you sucker.

Viltrimutes Takeover 

In Invincible we discover that The Viltrumites have travelled through the Galaxy for millennia invading planets. Aeons ago they decided that they would create a Utopian society where only the best of the best of the best sir…were allowed to live. The Viltrumites took part in what could be deemed a civil war but it was more of a royal rumble that saw 50% of the planet wiped out.

The weak were eradicated and this left a race of people who were classed as the most powerful being in the universe. Because of this swift and decisive action, Viltrum was left with a society without murder or crime and each citizen served the council and government. As with most planets, they slowly started to run out of resources and decided to head out into the galaxy where they would conquer and take what they could.

Upon arriving at a planet The Viltrumites would take over and for centuries they would enforce law and order until the resources were depleted. They did this throughout the Universe for millennia but as their population started to dwindle they ran out of the numbers to pull off a full-scale invasion. Thus they tried a new tactic which involved sending in a trojan horse who would appear as a peaceful protector to the citizens of the planet. However, they would have a secret agenda and would slowly dismantle the security forces within said planet so that invasion would be much easier.

We, of course, see Omni-Man doing this in the show and after he takes down The Guardians Of The Globe and destroys several other invading forces he clearly leaves Earth ripe for the taking.

Nolan & His Son

Now throughout the show and the comic especially, Nolan seems a bit gutted that his son gets powers. I think deep down this is because he knows he’s been drafted into what will be a war in which his son will have to choose a side.

As we know Mark ends up going against his dad and unlike my Dad who would normally treat me to a subway (sandwich) Nolan treats his son to a Subway.

Nolan ends up leaving the planet as his son gets through to him on an emotional level and in the comic series we learn that Mark is actually appointed as the new Viltrumite Agent.

There even exists certain dimensions and alternate universes in the work where Mark said yes to his dad and we saw as the pair took over the main planet.

Creating A Better World

However sticking to the main timeline, in Issue 44 we are introduced to Anissa, a Viltrumite ambassador who’s here to tell us that they aren’t all bad. See guys, people like having buildings dropped on their heads.

She approaches Mark peacefully, well aside from threatening to kill Debbie, and explains how Viltrum’s world betterment committee works as a whole. Now they are called the World Betterment committee for a reason that sort of hints at their overall actions.

Anissa tells us that though The Viltrumites take over planets, they actually bring so much more with them. Because they have travelled through the universe for millennia, they have learned a plethora of knowledge that would help humanity to advance in certain ways.

Anissa says that the Viltrumites would share their technology, cure diseases and that no unsanctioned violence would happen at all. The world would become a Utopia for several centuries free of death and crime and Humanity could live happily for centuries until everyone forgot what life was like before they came to Earth.

Sure, they would completely harvest the planet in the end, leaving it an unhospitable wasteland that looked like the start of 28 days later or any day in 2020 but Humanity was going to do that anyway.

Instead of being doomed to war and death whilst we inevitably destroy ourselves, humanity’s life would be filled with happiness and the wonderful, wonderful joy of Christmas every day.

Life on Thraxa

We even see Viltrumites promises in actions in many ways when Mark is summoned by his father to come help on Thraxa. Here Mark finds an insectoid planet that Nolan has decided to make his new home. The lifeforms there only live for about 9 months and because of the time that has passed, many generations have lived and died with him as the most prominent member of their society.

You see Viltrumites actually age slower the older they get and because of Omni-mans lifespan, he’s been elevated to be the ruler of their entire planet. We actually see what’s quite a peaceful world and Nolan has started a new family there. It’s only when the Viltrumites show up to kill him for failing on Earth that things take a turn for the worse but all in all, it looks like a five-star resort.

So things, could definitely be better under the Viltrumites and they may be right…may….but unfortunately they’re wrong.

Fascist Vultrimites 

Now as good as all this seems, The Viltrumites are actually fascists that are typically only open to one point of view, theirs. They hate people questioning them and Anissa even admits that they all have terrible tempers and will quickly escalate to violence even if they are simply questioned.

Everything within their genes is built to be dominant.

When they have children their DNA complete overrides their partner and even with an insectoid from Thraxa, Nolan ends up having a human-looking kid.

They are used to having things their own way and because of this, they think that that’s how all things should be.

But it simply isn’t the case.

Sure they would take over Earth and improve the facilities and technology that we have but in doing so they would also remove any possibility of humanity advancing beyond what they believe is fit for us.

We tend to destroy one another but there also exists great passion within us and a spontaneous side that means we will always try things differently and push to progress.

The Viltrumites don’t have this and there isn’t any real joy in their existence.

Nolan isn’t Right 

Now to the main point, I think that we know Nolan isn’t right because of how he reacts to beating his own son senseless. This isn’t just a fight between him being a father, it’s also a fight over whether he should do his duty or not.

Up until this point he hadn’t questioned Viltrum before but seeing his son there who would still care for him after all that he’s just put his face through makes him realise that the love Mark has is worth more than conquering a million worlds.

This is why Nolan flies away and though he doesn’t admit it, experiencing humanity and being amongst us made him realise that there was beauty in life beyond just subjugating a species so that you could harvest its resources.

This is the important message behind Invincible and why Nolan and the Viltrumites could never be right.

They want to keep taking no matter the cost but don’t really have anything to show for it.

They don’t have partners, don’t tend to fall in love with one another and their society is very much without choice. All that disagree are stamped down and though they have long lifespans, they’re extremely unfulfilling a void of any real joy or happiness.

Debbie and Mark managed to show Nolan the error of his ways and why Viltrum was wrong. He ended up fleeing because he knew he would be hunted and that putting his family before his duty would be frowned upon.

But still, he did it and this is why we know that Viltrum is wrong.

There are invaders, here to stamp out life and I tell you what mate I’m not gonna bloody stand for it anymore.

It’s time for us to get our Cecil Stedman on and raise arms together and say we’re not gonna take it Viltrum…throw your best shot.

Anyway, that’s our video and obviously I’d love to hear your opinion on whether you think we are better off without Viltrum or not.