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INSANE DETAILS In the Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness TV Spot Trailer

dr strange multiverse of madness super bowl tv spot trailer breakdown wanda

INSANE DETAILS In the Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness TV Spot Trailer

Ok so though I’ve already done a full breakdown on the Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Trailer I had to go back to it. After rewatching the teaser there are so many things in it that I only caught after multiple viewings and this might be the first-ever Things I Missed video on the internet.

Throughout we’re gonna be discussing some of the insane hidden details that are peppered throughout and also going over what we think the storyline will be.

I just wanna get straight into it but if you enjoy this video then please smash the thumbs up button and also don’t forget to subscribe for breakdowns like this every day.

With that out the way, huge thank you for clicking this, now let’s get into the Multiverse of Madness.

Super Bowl TV Spot

Ok, so the Superbowl TV spot actually contains a lot of shots that aren’t in the full trailer. Because of this, I think that we can get a much better grasp of the storyline and what Defender Strange’s role is.

In it, we get a full look at Defender Strange and in the background of this shot, you can see the ribbon-like monster that strings up America Chavez in the main one. Defender Strange can also be seen hurtling through a portal which is when the MCU version wakes up and I believe that he’s snapped out of his sleep because Defender dies.

Also huge apology for the tv spot quality, I tried finding a good trailer but there isn’t one. This video is when the real nightmare begins.

Anyway, the trailer has the MCU version travelling to an alternate reality in which he’s summoned before the Illuminati who seems to be led by Professor X. In this world Strange stands before a statue of himself and I think this is actually dedicated to Defender Strange who died in the opening of the movie.

Now later on in the TV spot, we see an undead zombie version of Strange that ends up being one of the final shots in the trailer.

Whilst it’s been theorised that this is the evil Strange we meet in the Sanctorum I actually think that this is Defender Strange brought back to life. His clothing is very similar to what we see on the statue and it also appears in line with the one from the tv spot.

It very much seems like Wanda is the main villain and potentially she uses the Darkhold to Resurrect him. Alongside him are several dark spirits which Wanda could’ve also brought in with the spells of the Darkhold. We know from the end of Wandavision that she was studying it and later on in the video, we’ll talk about how she may be inside a chaos dimension of her own making.

Now in the tv spot we see a scene in which a variant Christine stands in a lab with America Chavez in a glass cage behind her.

We know that this is a Variant Christine because she has red hair whereas the one in the MCU timeline doesn’t. Sure she could’ve dyed it but the MCU version is also getting married in the movie whereas this one isn’t.

Perhaps she was in a relationship with Defender Strange and due to his death, she’s now tied up in the MCU one coming into reality.

This now this reality appears to be the same Ultron Bot dimension and I think that when Strange is taken before the council, America will be taken here. We can catch one of the bots walking around and therefore it all kinda ties together.

Now Pay attention to this glass prison as when we get a zoom in on Wanda’s face later, you can catch this area in the reflection of her eyes with a focus on the prison itself. Standing in the cell to the right is a figure that looks a lot like America who will probably still be trapped in the one we see behind Christine.

I think that Wanda will very much be trying to harvest America’s powers so that she can travel through the multiverse at will just like she can.

This will mean that she will be able to find a dimension in which her kids are still alive which could be the moment that we see the two Wanda’s coming face to face.

Wanda’s Illusion

Now though it does seem like Wanda is somewhat calm at the beginning of the trailer If you pay close attention you can see that her garden is in fact a lie.

Later on, when Wanda gives the speech about how she’s seen as an enemy whilst Strange is a hero, pay close attention to the clothes he’s wearing.

Strange has the exact same ones on that he has in the garden and therefore I think that these scenes are taking place at the same time.

Westview was very much an illusion in Wandavision and she painted it out as the perfect place to raise a family in.

However, it was really a prison for all those inside who were forced to follow routines in order to prop her up.

I think this entire garden is very much the same and that she’s continuing this illusion so that anyone who approaches her thinks that she’s fine.

However, the illusion appears to drop at some point and it’s likely when they get onto the subject of altering reality.

The line about him breaking the multiverse and being seen as a hero is a bit of a weird one and potentially this ties in to the end of No Way Home.

Though Peter was forgotten, people still remember spider-man and the public may know that Strange pulled across villains and heroes in that film even if they don’t remember Parker.

Who Is The Glowing Character?

Now one of the big talking points online is who the mysterious burning figure is that fights Wanda.

When she blasts the character you can catch some statues with wings on their back which are also present in the scene in which Strange is taken in by the Sentry drones.

Therefore I think that Wanda ambushes the area due to this moment and the one later on when we do a close up on her eyes.

Now as for the figure, the main theories are that it’s Tom Cruise playing Superior Iron Man, Monica Rambeau or her Mother Maria.

It really could be any of them but personally, I’m leaning more towards Maria.

Potentially she could’ve taken the flight that Captain Marvel did in the MCU and this would have given her the powers instead of Carol.

Thus in this reality, she might have become Captain Marvel and in the comics, the Rambeau’s also donned the moniker.

Tom Cruise would also be great to see though and in case you don’t know he was originally rumoured to be playing Tony Stark when they were first trying to develop an Iron Man movie. It would be such a cool throwback to bring him across and as cruise hasn’t starred in a superhero movie before I think that would be amazing.

Other Details You May Have Missed

Now beyond this, other little details in the trailer include when America and Stephen travel through several portals.

At one point they pass a land filled with dinosaurs and this could actually be the savage land from the comics.

This is a location that has been completely uncharted and it’s where prehistoric life managed to find refuge whilst the rest of the dinosaurs were wiped out. There have been several big battles that have happened there, including secret invasion which is an upcoming Disney Plus show.

I did discuss how when they go through one reality that their faces change into squares and I said in my last breakdown this was similar to a scene in Infinity War.

Thanos blasts Drax at one point with the reality stone and this turns him into cubes which is what he looks like here.

However, this could also be a nod to the famous house of M cover which has people’s faces turning into blocks as Wanda warps reality. I think this might be a reality where everything is just a cube of some sort as we can catch what appears to be buildings in the background that have this style to them.

As they enter a portal you can also catch an animated, almost comic book world behind them. Slowing the footage down you might notice that they start to change from their regular looks into the more comic book looking cartoons showing how they alter as reality does.

I’d absolutely love it if they travelled into the comic book reality and became 2D characters. That would be such a cool nod to the comics and it would also allow us to see more of the wacky characters that you can’t pull off in live-action. Just in the same way that Into The Spider-verse had Spider-ham this could do a lot of things with characters who aren’t the kinds that you see in normal movies.

Overall I absolutely love the trailer and I’ll probably end up doing another video at some point because it’s filled with so many things. It’s one of the densest trailers I’ve ever seen and though I know a lot of you wanted me to go straight onto Moon Knight, I had to tackle this first.

Now I’m sure that I’ve still missed some things so if you caught anything we didn’t then comment below and let us know.