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Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five: Volume 2 Review

The final year of Injustice is here and so far the annual event has gotten off to a flying start. It finally feels like all of the pieces are falling into place and there’s a lot of potential in the upcoming books.

Throughout this review, I’ll be discussing everything that you need to know about the graphic novel and ultimately if you should pick it up.

There will be heavy spoilers here so if you haven’t read it yet then you may just want to skip to the score and come back when you’ve had a chance to check it out.

With that out the way let’s dive into Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year 5 Volume 2!

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

We pick up amidst the Joker uprising led by Harley Quinn. The people, to put it simply, are sick of Superman and the opening showcases why one way or another, the Man Of Steel will eventually be brought down.

It’s a pretty slick first chapter that has appearances from Batwoman and many more as they begin to band together to do what Batman never could…finally take down Superman.

It’s a Bizarre World

The midsection of the book focuses on Bizarro and his somewhat ‘reign of terror’ throughout the world. It’s packed with hilarious gags and nicely juxtaposes the comedic side that can be showcased with a ‘rogue Superman.’

Bizarro and Trickster’s relationship is tested at several opportunities, Lex Luther tries to get rid of the creature before Superman can discover exactly what he’s been up to and there’s even an appearance by Doomsday that keeps the story at an awesome pace.

It perfectly builds on the prior chapter and it’s arguably the best that Buccellato has been since he took over the run. It makes this book worth picking up and I had a lot of fun reading it.

Harley Quinn Vs Shazam

The midsection of the book deals with several meaningful face-offs that really add a lot to the proceedings.

We have Harley Quinn VS Shazam and Alfred also goes toe to toe with Superman. The former is purely a fist fight whereas the latter is Alfred belittling Superman with his wit and lack of interest in the character.

Both are beautiful to watch play out and they elevate the book quite a lot, showcasing what real power truly is.

Killer In The House

The final act of the book revolves around Zsasz breaking into the Batcave and killing Alfred. It’s a huge gut punch for fans of The Dark Knight and his family and it’s arguably one of the biggest deaths in the entire run.

This has huge psychological effects on all of the characters and even leads Batman to question whether he’s been wrong all these years.

After all, crime is down across the world and there seems to be a sense of order to everything.

It’s a really fascinating addition that makes you think that perhaps this entire time, our hero has been in the wrong.

After being rescued by the Flash who refuses to let him be murdered, our focus shifts to Barry Allen who slowly starts to see the world for how it has finally become.

It’s an awesome, poignant way to end the book and leaves just enough up in the air to get you excited for the next entry.

The Verdict

Overall, this is a great book. The Injustice series is ramping up for an exciting conclusion and this could arguably be seen as Buccellatos best work.

You should pick this up if you’re still on board with the series and that’s why it gets an…
