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Brand New EASTER EGGS & Found In SPIDERMAN INTO THE SPIDER VERSE | Raimi Tie-In, Wolverine,


Spiderman Into The Spider-Verse has been out a while now and we’re still finding new interesting moments and Easter eggs. This list contains a tonne of cool little tidbits and things that have been pointed out since our last video on the film and as it’s one of my favourite movies ever, any excuse to return to it is good enough to me.

Throughout this post, we’ll be breaking down all the spider suits you might have missed, the crazy Green Goblin easter egg, Wolverine callbacks and a lot more.

There will be Heavy Spoilers here so if you haven’t had a chance to check the movie out yet then I highly recommend that you wallcrawl your way out of here and come back when you have.


Sam Raimi Tie In

The first Easter Egg actually contains an amazing callback to the Sam Raimi Spider-man films. You may have seen that when creating the soundtrack for the Winter Soldier that the composer actually took the screams of Bucky from The First Avenger and slowed it down to show the agony that the character was going through internally.

Something similar also happens in Into The Spider-verse and the Green Goblin Scream in the Raimi movie is used in the theme of The Goblin in the movie.

Wolverine Easter egg

On top of this, there are callbacks to other Marvel characters as well throughout the film.

When the Prowler is chasing down Miles on the subway, he opens his claws and we can see that the sound effect they give is a SNIKT. Snikt is of course also the onamatpea sound that Wolverine’s claws make when he brings them out.

It’s a cool little easter egg that kinda gives you a brief idea of just how sharp the Prowler’s claws really are.

Wrong Spider-man

Speaking of other characters, the movie of course lets us know that within the Spider-verse there exist several versions of the character. The first one we meet tells us that he is the only Spider-man however if you pay close attention to the signs in the background you will see that one says wrong and this is to subtly let us know that the character is well…wrong.

Earth 42

The universe in the film is actually Earth 42 and we know this because the number itself is dotted throughout the film. I already went through this in my last breakdown and discussed how there were certain signs that things were wrong in the world such as movies that hadn’t been released as well as Chance the Rappers Hat containing the number 4 instead of three.

Well in addition to this in times square we can also see that Snapchat is called Picaboo and when Miles hands in his test at one point in the film the date at the top says Decembruary which of course shows us that in their world the months are slightly different to ours.

Use of Text

The movie is full of subtle little details including language nods and the use of text on the screen to demonstrate what a character is thinking or doing. There’s a brilliant bit in the film in which the Japanese Text for I’m scared appears on Penni Parker’s spider robot and this shows just how much thinking the creative team put into the movie.

Penni is also dubbed instead of subbed and thus when she talks her lips are slightly out of sync with what she’s saying.

Keeping it PG

On top of this, there’s a hilarious thing that the producers do with Miles to make sure that the movie can get a PG rating. When we’re first introduced to the character he sings the song Sunflower by Post Malone.

Instead of singing the line “she wanna ride me like a cruise” Miles mumbles through the song and says “she wanna drive me” so yeah guys, we kept it PG, there’ll be no talk of riding people here.

Doc Ock

In our last video, we talked about how Doc Ock had octagonal glasses, which tied into her name but this is also included in the design of furniture around her room. The lights that hang from the ceiling are also octagonal, aka 8-sided and this is some really nice attention to detail that shows just how much the animators were tying everything together.

Spider Suits

And finally, I thought I’d break down all of the suits that we see in the Spider-cave.

Everyone dropped the PS4 one which we can of course see in the background and this also appears at the end of the movie in the credits scene at one point making for a cool little easter egg. Alongside it also appears the rubber one which Spider-man used when fighting Electro in the comics.

There’s also a costume with a cape and it is possible that this is a callback to the start of the movie when we see that in Miles’ room there’s a picture of a superhero with a cape above his easel.

We also see what looks like the Iron Spider Suit from The Civil War comic book run. This was later referenced at the end of Homecoming which is where we got our first look at it before it popped up in Avengers Infinity War.

We can also see what looks like the stealth suit which was introduced as a way to avoid the spider slayers and since then a lot of the time when the character needs to go incognito it pops up.

There’s also the mark two which Peter ended up making after he lost his spider-sense and needed more protection for his body. It’s covered in a very fine layer of armour that made it bulletproof but since getting his spider-sense back he’s sort of stopped using it.

There’s also the empty…empty mannequin with the in-use light on because as we know the character…sniff…he never came back that night.

Anyway, that’s all of the extra details that we’ve noticed since doing our first breakdown of the movie!