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THE LAST OF US Episode 5 Trailer Breakdown | Promo Theories, New Characters And Game Easter Eggs

THE LAST OF US Episode 5 Trailer Breakdown | Promo Theories, New Characters And Game Easter Eggs

So, The Last of Us Episode 5 trailer is now out and after that big cliffhanger for the end of episode I’m sure a lot of you are asking questions about what could happen next time. Well, if you can’t wait then this is the video for you as throughout it, we’re gonna be going over the new characters, game easter eggs and all our thoughts on what could be happening.

Full spoiler ahead as we will be talking about who henry and Sam are as well as the locations that appear in the episode and what goes down at them. With that out the way, huge thank you for clicking this, now let’s get into The Last of Us Episode 5 trailer.

Kathleen in The Last of Us Episode 5

Now we start off with Kathleen talking about her group overthrowing Fedra. Kathleen is a completely new creation for the show but there are some ways we can put together what’s happening. In the game all of the scenes that we’ve watched take place in four happened during the Pittsburgh chapter, but we can kinda use that as a basis to guess what’s going on in Kansas. In the game you arrived to find rebels had overthrown the area and this was because Fedra had been starving the people to point of desperation. I think in this entry we see that actually playing out and we might get a flashback to the moment that Fedra were overthrown. It seems like she has a group of people sat down and is telling them a story about what happened which is why she says that things have gone great. However, it looks like complete carnage with there being fires, people getting bottles smashed over their heads and trucks roaming the area. Bottles are used in the game as both items that can distract the clickers and also as things that can be used as weapons.


We catch Kathleen asking where Henry is, and this is a similar scene to the one with the doctor in the last entry. She’s clearly out for blood and my guess is that we’ll learn why she wants to kill him and his brother so much. In the game they had a completely different back story and the pair travelled from Hartford to Pittsburgh once the military abandoned their QZ.

Here though they were in with Kathleen’s crew already and some of the collaborators that f**ked over some of her people.

We see trucks roaming the streets shining flashlights and this is very reminiscent of the run truck from the game that drove by the toy store as you hid in it. In the game Henry and Sam took Joel and Ellie to their hideout which was located in an office building. Overlooking a gate to the bridge leaving Pittsburgh they waited for nightfall to make their move due to the area only operating with a Skeleton crew at that point. We see a lot of stuff set out night here so there could be a similar thing going on.

Now a big change up from the game is that it looks like Sam is deaf.

There was a clip released in the weeks ahead trailer that showed them speaking in sign language and here it seems to further confirm it. Sam wasn’t deaf in the game so potentially this is me just grasping at something that isn’t there and they could be talking in sign language so that they don’t alert the trucks.

Clickers are of course a big threat in this world and thus being able to communicate without making a noise is pretty important.

The subtitles on this bit also look exactly like how they do in the game which is a nice bit of attention to detail.

Now next we get a very important bit of text, saying Next Friday.

That’s right you f**ks Last of Us is dropping on Friday because HBO don’t want to compete with the super bowl. So, your Sunday night Kevin spoilers fix is no more and instead you’re gonna be getting that Friday feeling.

Why is Friday the happiest day of the week?

Because the next day is a Sadder Day.

F**k off.

Henry and Sam in The Last of Us Episode 5

Anyway, it is possible that this Henry and Sam stuff is a flashback as he doesn’t have the orange face paint that we saw him wearing at the end of episode 4.

Now it seems to be following the game quite a lot as after breaking out of the city, the characters made their way through some sewers which we learned used to house a colony.

As you got to the entrance you saw that it had been painted to look like a magical castle which is what we see here. In the game a character called Ish had washed ashore after spending months at sea trying to escape the infected. He made a little home in the sewers but when he got hungry, he ended up travelling out into the suburbs beside it which is where he came across a family of survivors.

Ish started trading things with them and over time they built a relationship to the point he actually invited them to come live with him. Slowly a community was built out from there that had a lot of families. One of the big things about the last of us is that kids were pretty much overlooked, and they were either killed or cast to the side because they just slowed other people down. This is one of the main reasons Henry left Hartford and seeing a location like this is a massive change up from what we typically get.

Now unfortunately infected go in and thus the place was overthrown leading to several people being killed. Ish managed to make it out but I’m hoping we get an infected scene down here like what we do in the game. Episode 4 had the tease of there being something underground so they might build on that and then go from there.

Now inter cut with these moments are shots of Joel and a figure walking away. I’m guessing that this is Ellie and yeah, there’s only two people for a reason.

Upon making it to the radio tower you had to pass through some suburbs and during this time the rebels arrived before infected started to swarm the location. Sam was bit during this and the next morning he turned which led to his brother shooting him. Henry then shot himself and it looks like this might happen int he episode.

We see Ellie and Sam on a bed passing notes to each other and also watch Joel cocking a gun as he sits up in a room.

This has a scope on the end of it so I’m guessing this is the sniper section that happens just as you exit the sewers. You come upon a big street and then down the end of it there’s a sniper shooting at you which you have to get to. The houses in the area are full of rebels but eventually you clear the way and kill the sniper. From this point you take control of the gun and then the run truck shows up which you have to then shoot.

It looks like something similar is happening here but instead of raiders it’s of course Kathleen’s forces.

We see Ellie running at one point and firing backwards and the truck chasing her has a battering ram on the front similar to the Run one.

Now speaking of having to Run, Joel shouts Run, and we watch as infected come out like in the game. They seem to be walking out of a burning house and it could be the one that we see an explosion at earlier in the teaser. In the game when the Run Truck arrived a raider popped out the top throwing Molotovs. When you shot him, he dropped it inside and this then crashed which alerted the infected. They could do something similar here with-it being Joel who shoots the truck and lets them free.

Now we are finally, finally, finally getting a bloater in the show which they’ve held off from dropping until.

Originally in Bills section you came across one in the school, but this was changed up to give us the frank stuff in episode 3. These are super infected people that have likely had cordyceps since outbreak day and over the last twenty years they’ve changed into giant mushroom men that can rip you a part with their bare hands.

They’re one hit kills and completely brutal, basically tearing you apart once they get their hands on you.

It’s a big thing for the show and it looks like it’s setting up a major action scene in this episode.

Judging by the people in this scene it also looks like Kathleen and her crew are there so we’re gonna get a big moment between the infected and humans.

Anyway, that wraps up the trailer and I hope you’ve been enjoying the videos so far. If you wanna watch another Last of Us one, then I definitely recommend that you check out Film Wises’ breakdown of Craig Mazin’s career and how it plays into the themes of the show. Filup is a good friend of mine and he’s just left running New Rockstars to start up his own thing and not even gassing, it’s one of the best put together videos I’ve ever seen. Editing is top notch and he’s picked up so many things I’ve not seen in other videos that I’m actually angry at myself for being such a sucker.

Anyway, that’s your lot and huge thank you for checking out the breakdown, definitely check out our video on episode 4 which will be linked on screen right now. So many easter eggs in it and I’d love it if you headed over there after this.

With that out the way thank you for sitting through the video, I’ve been Paul and I’ll see you next time. Take care, Peace.