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THE LAST OF US Episode 5 Breakdown & Ending Explained | Review And Game Easter Eggs

THE LAST OF US Episode 5 Breakdown & Ending Explained | Review And Game Easter Eggs

So, The Last of Us Episode 5 is now out and in this video we’re gonna be recapping the plot, breaking down the easter eggs and also talking about the game similarities and differences. As always, this review won’t contain game spoilers until the end of the video and that’ll be for people who’ve completed both parts. Now we hop right off the back of last week which saw the introduction of Sam and Henry. We theorised last time that they’d followed Joel and Ellie, and this is how they also randomly ended up on the same floor as they did on the skyscraper. This is confirmed in episode 5 and the entry centres around fleshing out their backstory along with Kathleen’s.

On the podcast for the show the creators stated that she’s like Madam Dufarge from a tale of two cities and she’s this very meek character who ends up becoming a vengeful ringleader set on getting revenge for the death of her family.

Now last week we missed that Tommy’s voice actor Jeffrey Pierce was playing the part of Perry and that Sam’s gun actually didn’t have any bullets in the chamber. Eagle eyed viewers spotted that there were two in the gun, but he’d need to pull the trigger four times in order to shoot Joel.

Now in the game, the pair’s backstory wasn’t as fleshed out as it is here. In that their QZ in Hartford had been abandoned by the military and fearing that it could cause danger for Sam, Henry led them out of there with other survivors. They travelled into Pittsburgh searching for supplies and this is when they were split from the group by a bunch of raiders.

They’d had all agreed to rendezvous at a Radio Tower which is where we learned in the game that Sam was bit, and the events played out much like what we get at the end of the episode. There are several nods to your journey with Sam and Henry laced throughout this episode and we sort of get a compressed version of it with us having the office building, Ish in the sewers, the sniper section that you play through and the infected that then swarm the area.

Sam and Henry in The Last of Us Episode 5

Sam and Henry were great characters in the original game, but the episode very much elevates them by showing that they’re willing to do dark things in order to survive. They’re of course a reflection of Joel and Ellie with them both sharing the same kind of dynamic.

Here we get the inner workings of how they were part of Kathleen’s team, and we learn that Henry sold out her brother to Fedra. This created an uprising, and the group overthrew Fedra which meant that Henry and Sam had to go into hiding in order to escape them.

Now we start off the episode with the people celebrating the disintegration of Fedra. A flare is shot up into the sky like a firework and the people shout freedom. Again, we have the We the People truck and in case you missed our last video we pointed out that this has roots in the constitution. It’s the first three words that appear in it and this is very much the people believing they’ve created their own independent state.

We did theorise that this could also be a nod to Taxi Driver due to the saying ‘we are the people’ appearing in that and Ellie’s opening scene in the mirror.

Either way with all uprisings come bloodshed and the celebrations are juxtaposed by the dead Fedra soldiers that line the street. Those that are still living are brutally murdered and the sigil for them is presented with a fire beneath hinting at the crumbling of their era.

I’ve always been a bit hit and miss on the hate for Fedra and they did manage to stabilise most of the world by creating safe zones for people. Episode 1 showed that though they killed the infected without question they tried to do it in a kind way but as with all authorities there are those within that can be corrupted and evil.

This was showcased in episode 3 in which we know that they murdered some evacuees in case they became infected. In the game’s counterpart Pittsburgh, you learn that the rebels did what they did here and can piece enough things together to learn why that was. There’s graffiti on Fedra buildings complaining about how the people are being starved and when food ran low, they obviously kept the rations for themselves.

Now trucks roam the streets looking for collaborators and over a tannoy they say they will offer fair trials. This clearly isn’t the case as we see Kathleen ordering several collaborators to be executed in the next scene. I feel like this is riffing on real world politics and after the second world war several Nazi collaborators were hunted down. Throughout he’s called a rat and Joel refuses to work with him initially because he doesn’t want to associate with someone who f**ked over his own people to get a leg up with Fedra.

In the game you have a really tense moment where they leave you up s**ts creek without a paddle and I love how this uneasy alliance also carries over into the show.

We see a body being dragged behind the truck and this has several knives in it. This is complete overkill and potentially done for a reason to show all those that were involved in taking down Fedra. When Julius Caesar was killed, he was stabbed 23 times, and this was done to show each of the perpetrators had a hand in it and that they were all in it together.

This episode very much feels like that sort of thing with the rebels clearly showing that they’re willing to get their hands dirty in order to overthrow Fedra.

In a change up from the game we learn that Sam is deaf and thus he talks to Henry in sign language and has a little magic board that he can write on. This adds even more to just how vulnerable he is, and it clearly shows why he feels like he has to protect his brother.

The subtitle text is done to mimic how it appears in the game and the font they use is exactly the same as it is in that.

Joel and Kathleen’s similarities in The Last of Us Episode 5

Jump to Kathleen interrogating the collaborators and one of them gives up the Doctor Edelstein who we learn was killed by Kathleen last week. She says that they’ll be executed if they don’t give up Henry and Sam but even when they do, she still wants them wiped out.

This really speaks to her character and how she refuses to let her brother’s death go unavenged. Her right-hand man Perry questions why the pair are such a priority as the city is still in a state of destabilisation.

We learn from Henry that the infected were driven underground 15 years ago and they have clearly been awakened once more by the revolution happening on the surface.

Kathleen doesn’t care though and she’s willing to throw everything she has to make sure that the characters are caught.

As we saw last week this involved overlooking a hole in the ground teaming with infected and this short sightedness eventually leads to her downfall at the end of the episode.

Throughout the videos we’ve talked about how the showrunners have constantly brought up the theme of love on the podcast and this is something that’s definitely seen in Kathleen. Love can be good as in the case of Bill and Frank, but it can also have hugely negative effects. Kathleen loved her brother and losing him has caused her to hunt down all those involved in his demise at the expense of others.

Now in overthrowing Fedra she’s pretty much become the thing that she sought to replace and there’s a little line that hints towards this.

This is of course what we saw Joel doing for Fedra in episode 1 and it showcases how they’re both different wings of the same bird. It’s possible that we actually saw these people and if you cast your mind back to episode 4 then you’ll remember that there was a pile of them when Joel and Ellie drove through the town. This moment pulled from the game and in that Ellie said that they weren’t infected. Them giving up the Doctor is very on brand as well because they’ve obviously been working with Fedra and are now betraying people in order to survive.

Henry and Same end up meeting with the doctor who hides them in an attic similar to how Anne Frank and her family hid out during the holocaust. Last week Kathleen discovered it abandoned with empty tins of food and in this entry, we see what happened during the time they were laying low.

We see Sam draw his character Super Sam and last week we got a tease to this with him appearing wearing orange face paint. I think one of the running themes throughout the last of us is how every character’s childhood has been stripped away from them because of the way that the world is. Humans could easily be a united force against the infected but instead everyone fights amongst themselves on top of this and thus children don’t really get to live. Come the end of the episode we now have 3 dead kids in the series, and this comes in the form of Sarah, the child at the QZ and of course Sam. Ellie initially seems to have been enjoying this world and though she’s making the most of it she’s not really seen as a kid either. Described as being cargo she’s just someone who can help create a vaccine and isn’t really viewed as a person.

I’ve said this in other breakdowns, but children are our future and having so many of them dying means there’s no hope for the human race. Humanity has stumbled on for twenty years but when the kids start dying it won’t be the infected that get us, it’ll be the fact there’s no one left to carry on the species.

Really poignant stuff and we see 10 days go by with the pair hiding out. Sam had it so drilled into his head that Fedra were the enemy that we even see this reflected in the artwork with the drawings looking like how the soldiers do in the game and show. In another nod to the game, we see Henry looking out the window and off in the distance we can catch a yellow bridge. Though this section took place in Pittsburgh in the source material you and the group had to make your way to a similar one to that in order to get out of the town. Eventually Joel and Ellie ended up having to jump off it after being chased by the run truck. On the shore they were saved by Henry and Sam who abandoned them when a ladder broke during the chase with the truck. At this point you passed through the sewers which we’ll talk more about in just a bit when we get to the hideout section.

Sam is worried that the Doctor isn’t coming back and as we know he was captured by Kathleen. He told Henry to stay strong so that his brother wouldn’t worry but we can clearly see it weighing on him.

Finally, he decides to accept the truth that he’s not coming back and the pair head out to take their chances in the city. Also, worth noting that Sam has a yellow hoody on at this point and this is the same thing that he wore in the game.

Henry gives him some orange face paint which also wasn’t in the source material which is a nice little touch to add to his character. In the game you stopped by a toy store to hide out from the truck and Sam wanted to talk a robot toy with him. Henry said no because it would just take up space and again it showed that kids couldn’t be kids in this world. Ellie took it in the end and after making it to the radio tower she gave it to Sam as a present. Much like the episode he turned the next day, but she kept this toy in her backpack as a reminder of him.

Henry ends up checking the street and this is when we see the action scene from last week in which Joel crashed his truck and had to shoot it out with the rebels.

I did go back and watch the scene again to see if we could spot Henry but unfortunately, we can’t. We do get the moment where Joel finishes the shooting, lowers his gun and looks in that direction but it’s clear he doesn’t see him.

Seeing him as a way to safety Henry ends up following the pair which brings everything full circle from last week. In a nice bit of attention to detail you can see that Henry also has a giant flashlight on his backpack and this is in line with the one that he also had in the game. Now we then cut to the alley way in which Ellie climbed through the vent and the pair don’t have to do this because she unlocked the door. They also go up the staircase and step on the glass that Joel used to alert him. However, as we discovered in episode 4, he’s going deaf in one ear, and this is why he lay on one side every time he went to sleep. He ended up facing the other way, so he didn’t hear the glass which is why they’re able to sneak in.

Also, worth noting that in episode 1 he didn’t hear Tess entering tying back to this whole deafness thing going on with him.

Now the game plays things differently and after you’re chased by the Run truck you and Ellie ascend up a building. You end up having to shimmy along a walkway which is when you jump through a window and are grabbed by Henry. He thinks you’re a raider but upon seeing Ellie he realises that you’re not with them. In camps where Fedra were overthrown they tended to either kill or outcast the kids because they would just slow the others down. This is a major reason why Henry ended up leaving Hartford as he knew that Sam would probably be murdered by the group that took over the militaries place. Joel almost beat Henry to death which is when Sam stepped in with a gun drawn similar to what we get here.

Ellie, Sam and Henry in The Last of Us Episode 5

Joel agrees not to attack them if they lower their gun and I think they trust the pair because Ellie is with him. Henry likely realises they’re in a similar situation, just an adult trying to escort a kid through a hazardous city.

They end up sharing food and this obviously means a lot in this new world. Survivors have to be even more careful because food was how the cordyceps spread and thus giving the limited food they have they have to be even more tight with it.

Now we get a scene that sort of riffs on one in the game in which they sit about surveying the area. In the original Henry ended up taking Joel and Ellie to their hideout which was located in an office block across the city.

In a game they of course wanna make levels and sections for you to fight through whereas in a show that’s not really needed so you can just skip it and put the scenes in the same location. You went into one of these rooms and it had a similar sort of layout to what we see in the show.

The game had Henrys hideout located just above the gate that was in front of the entrance to the bridge and under the cover of night fall you ended up launching your plan to pass it. Here they look over the city and point out the exits. Henry says that he needs Joel and Joel needs him because he’s the only one who can get them out of the city. Henry says he’s never killed anyone and though this is technically true, we do learn that he caused someone’s death.

Now though it’s all serious with Henry and Joel, Sam and Ellie at least have some fun. We catch her reading the pun book to him and we get some similar moments in the show and game.

Now in the game Henry and Sam were actually making their way to the fireflies.

This was ironic as well because he was of course making his way across the country without really knowing where they were either.

Anyway, Henry draws up a map of the city and tells them that they’re gonna be heading through the maintenance tunnels. Henry wants Joel to help him navigate these as they could still have infected in them.

Henry actually calls a clicker a clicker and it’s nice to see a live action thing not embarrassed by the terminology that they use in the games.

He says that someone he knew from Fedra said that they’d been cleaned out but there is still the possibility that some might be down there, and he and Sam won’t be strong enough to deal with them.

Only he knows this though and the theory time…is that Kathleen won’t follow them because of the danger there could be.

Now they head into another building, and this resembles the one that you first move into when storming the gate. However here they head underground which is when we discover what was really going on.

Now as we mentioned earlier, this is basically combining the sewers section of the game so that it’s part of Kansas. As we said, Joel and Ellie jumped off the bridge which is when they were pulled ashore by Henry and Sam. You found a boat washed up along with some notes and a home in the sewers itself that was once teaming with people. Children were of course killed by the bandits and thus they fled here with their parents to try and carve out a life. I was gonna say something like that might have happened here, but Joel says that lots of people went underground on outbreak day. It’s possible that people ended up lying low here and then when the infected were pushed underground that they wiped them out because they’d bottled themselves in.


The entrance to this is drawn to look like a castle and this is also something that pops up in the game when you first enter the sewers.

Anyway, they then enter the room and there are several things here ripped right out of the game. Now firstly against the back wall we see a goal drawn onto it and there was an optional cutscene in which Ellie played football against Sam.

This plays out in the series too similar to what we got there.

This made the character ever closer to Sarah because she also played it when she was a kid.

I’m not saying soccer, had enough.

Anyway, we do get a little subtle gesture by Joel when this is going on and he looks down at his watch after looking at Ellie. This is something that Sarah of course gave him and looking at the watch reminds him of the daughter he lost. He also did this in episode 2 and as we know it doesn’t work so it’s not like he’s using it to read the time. Just shows how much Ellie reminds him of Sarah and moments like this say so much with so little.

Now we also see a classroom and you came across this when navigating the tunnels. There’s a slide which I think was in the game and also a big sign that says House Rules. When you made your way through the underground you could spot this and the rules on both are identical. They say:

Now in the game you accidentally set off one of these alarms which alerted the infected. They had bottles inside a box on the end of a rope and setting this off alerted them to where you were.

We also see blue barrels with tubes popping out of the top of them and we learned in the game that these were used to collect rain so that they had a supply of water. Now in what’s my favourite easter egg from the show so far, we see a child’s drawing of Danny and Ish on the wall. This is identical to how it appears in the game, and you come across it when traversing the sewers. Now why is this my favourite easter egg, I mean the picture looks completely s**t. Well Ish actually has an extensive backstory that you discover through notes that you find throughout the sewers and the suburbs behind it.

Ish is based on the character Isherwood Williams from the 1949 book Earth Abides. In that there was a pandemic and he ended up establishing a community of survivors. He was meant to look like Ishmael from Moby Dick and this idea of being a sailor carried across to the game.

After the outbreak he went to sea for several months before eventually having to go ashore near Pittsburgh. This is the boat that you encounter after the bridge and it’s here that you discover the first part of his story. We learn that he ended up going into the sewers which is where he constructed a safehouse. Desperate for food Ish ended up going into the suburbs behind them which is where he came across a family of other survivors. Though they initially just traded supplies, Ish ended up inviting them down to the sewers which is where they built a community from.

Unfortunately, someone didn’t follow the rules and they left a door unlocked which is when the infected broke in. By the time you get there it’s completely abandoned, and it was a horrifying event for those stuck in. One of the notes says that the teacher barricaded themselves in the nursery with some of the children and had to…well…do what happened at the end of the Myst.

I guess you could say life’s an Ish and then you die.

Ish however survived and he, Susan and some of the other kids fled into the suburbs which is the next area the characters go to in both the show and game.
Now on top of this we also see that Sam has a savage starlight comic. These were collectibles in the game, and they told the story of Dr. Daniela Star who could travel faster than light.

The cover here is pulled directly from the PlayStation counterpart and this is the Accretion issue brought across from it.

In the second game the comics expanded beyond being just comics and you collected trading cards of the characters from the stories. This included Dr. Uckmann who was based on Neil Druckmann, aka the game and series creator.

Honestly, I love these moments with them just getting to be kids and it’s something that we haven’t really seen that much in the show so far.

Now when they take the comic out the bag, we can also catch the book Two Old Potatoes and me. This centres around a girl whose parents are going through a divorce, and she builds a relationship with her father whilst the pair grow new potatoes from some old ones they find in a cupboard. Initially the girl thinks its gross, but she sees new opportunities in them which is similar to her parents’ divorce enabling her to have a different but new type of life. This is very much reflected in Joel and Ellie I think who are making something new in the world and relationships that are falling apart around them.

Now we don’t have any sponsors this week, but we have just launched a new T-Shirt over at our shop zero Edition. This Last of Us inspired Real Fun-guy top massively helps out the channel and it helps us pay for our staff so we can bring you deep dives like this. The link to the site is in the description below so definitely head over there to get some cool merch that helps us out. Thanks

It’s at this point that they wait a couple of hours before making their move. Now this causes a bit of a time difference from the source material as you arrived in the suburbs and played out the sniper section in daylight. Here though it happens at night due to you not travelling through the sewers.

Joel and Henry talk it out and he apologises for saying he’s a rat. However, Henry reveals what really happened with Kathleen’s brother. The way he describes him he sounds like the second coming of Mr. Beast and I bet he’s the kind of person who would always like, comment and subscribe.

Anyway, Henry says that Sam got sick with Leukaemia and thus he had to work with Fedra to get a special drug that was in short supply. Little did Henry know; this pushed the resistance over the edge. Henry gave up someone amazing that could’ve led the people into a new world for the life of someone he loved, and we’ll talk later on how this thematically repeats through the show.

In that super spoiler section.

Henry guesses that Joel was a father and similar to him he’d of course do anything to protect the one he loves.

Cut to Kathleen and we see her in the room she grew up in with her brother. This is adorned with ornaments and also kids playing football again tying back to the photo of Sarah. Perry has returned with some bad news. Joel and Henry are still at large with there being no sign of them in the city. Kathleen reveals that her brother’s name was Michael, and it is possible that he was a firefly due to a dog tag we find with that name in the game. Might be a reach but Michael likely gave people hope that there was a different way of life, and this is of course something that the fireflies also do.

This is represented by the story Kathleen tells and she says that Michael used to change their room using their imaginations so that it was a safe place away from the gun fire. He likely did that to everyone growing up and it really does make you question whether Sam’s life was worth his. Obviously, you don’t wanna be killing kids but the carnage it caused by handing him over shows that even things done with the best intentions have a cost.

Kathleen said she visited her brother in jail and he told her to forgive. Last week when talking to the doctor she said that the room they were in could be the one Michael was tortured at and again because of this she can’t forgive.

Now we jump back with Joel and Co to catch them making their way into a bank car park. This could be riffing on a secret location in the second game in which you travelled to Westlake bank and got a shotgun early.

Now like the game once you hit main street you’re peppered by a sniper. They have the layout exactly the same with them being at a high vantage point in a house at the end of the road. Similar to what happens here, Joel uses cars for cover, and he makes his way down to it before you take out the gunner. In a nod to Sam and Henry running off in the game, the pair make a break for it here, but they’re almost shot when trying to escape. The game also had raiders in the houses along the street whereas this guy is by himself. He’s much much older than his game counterpart too and it explains why he’s able to get the drop on Joel so easily. We also see Joel looking out to a river with a bridge on it which is riffing on the one from the Pittsburgh chapter that you had to get to.

Now in the game I always wondered why this guy didn’t move when he saw you coming up the street. His position was clearly given away but here we see that he’s been working with Kathleen and thus he didn’t really want to vacate the spot. He was deliberately trying to hold them in place so that it could buy Kathleen and her group time to arrive, and they show up at this point.

Now this whole scene riffs on the game quite a lot. In its Joel takes the sniper and we watch as the Run Truck arrives from Pittsburgh along with the rebels. We see the battering ram on the front being used to clear out cars and this is something Joel touched upon last week when talking about how the roads were cleared.

In the game Joel used the gun to shoot the guy popping out the top who was throwing Molotovs. This caused him to drop it in the car which then crashed into one of the houses. From there the infected sprung out and this is how Sam got bit. You ended up fleeing to the tower as the infected ran to the house and that how the sequence ended.

Here they change things up with the truck driver still crashing but to make things even more tense we get Kathleen holding everyone except Joel at gun point.

She does a f**k them kids and justifies murdering them by saying kids die all the time.

She sees Henry as being someone who should’ve left him to his fate instead of costing her brother. However, fate still has a hand to play and the truck collapses in unleashing a terrifying hoard of infected. We see one set on fire, and this is a similar effect to what would happen when you hit one with a Molotov.

The Last of Us Episode 5 Bloater Explained

In the game I loved this bit cos Joel couldn’t get hit and you were kinda just sniping away and having a bit of a laugh like my man Pedro Pascal. Now at this point we see the big bad bloater who was first teased at all the way back in episode 2.

You could also hear the creature growling under the cracks in the floor last week and it makes a big bad entrance. In the game you actually faced off against one in the school during Bills section. I am glad we got the greatest love story ever told instead though and that they saved his arrival for this scene. In the game it was a one hit kill if it grabbed you and the bloaters would stick their fingers in your mouth and rip your head apart. Perry gets killed in the exact same way leading to such a cool death scene that plays on the source material.

Now though Ellie is hiding out we see a child clicker crawl in the SUV to get her. Child clickers don’t appear in the games, and this was creepy as hell.

Henry and Sam are pinned down like what happens in the game, but Ellie saves them, and they make a run for it.

She stabs them using her knife which is also a tactic that she busts out in the source material.

Kathleen goes to kill them though, but she’s grabbed by Kid Click who then takes her out.

In an eerie final shot we see the Infected running up towards the city and they’ll likely destroy the resistance as they lie asleep in their beds. In the game Henry said Pittsburgh had a skeleton crew at night which is why they opted to move out then and I can imagine a similar thing being set up in Kansas leading to this being a short-lived revolution.

Now the group make it to a motel, and we see Henry is really shaken up by it, but the kids have got through it ok…or so we think.

Anyway, the conversation in the game is a lot more light-hearted with them talking about Tommy before moving onto the group not showing up.

In the show Joel invites Henry and Sam to join them on their quest to find Tommy and this will give them a new home.

The game also changes things slightly and with Sam he was clearly wrestling with what would happen now that he’d been bit.

In the show Ellie and Sam sit about reading comics and he eventually asks her about if she’s ever scared. We get a scene that riffs on the game with the answering being written down and shared between the two. Like the previous cutscene Ellie says she’s scared of being alone and this plays into a character moment that we’ll talk about in the spoiler section.

Sam also asks if it’s still you inside if you turn and he shows her his bite. This is unlike the game as in that he keeps it to himself however he does pull up his trouser leg to reveal it like what we get here.

Ellie shows just how naive that she is as she believes that her blood can cure him of it, and it very much plays into her believing that she is the vaccine. She sort of has a messiah complex and believes she can heal the sick, but this of course doesn’t work. It’s very much a kind of…I dunno…kids view of science, and it gives Ellie another cruel dose of reality in the harsh light of day.

In the game, Henry, Joel and Ellie all slept in the same room and when she went to get him up, she discovered he’d turned. We see the characters back first like what we get here but Ellie spent the entire night with him whilst it likely took over.

They both end in Sam and Henry’s death and that closes out another entry with some big characters passing away. I think every episode except 4 has had one in and we had Sarah in the first, Tess in the second, Bill and Frank in 3 and now Henry and Sam.

Here it actually hurts more than it did in the game because we know that Henry gave up Michael in order to save his brother. He still had to kill him though once he became infected and it shows how dark and bleak this world is. Even if you save someone, they can still be taken away from you and this can all happen at a moment’s notice. Outside they bury th…. loop yellow car…. smacked you their mate…. Outside they bury their bodies and Ellie creates a makeshift gravestone using Sam’s board.

In the game you actually come across a child’s grave and it’s just as depressing as it is here.

Ellie of course forgot to put the robot toy on it but here she remembers to drop the board.

She writes I’m sorry and she clearly deals with the survivor’s guilt of the situation. Ellie is still alive from her bite whereas Sam isn’t and her actions the night before potentially also cost Henrys life. The pair set out and in a moment that riffs on their silhouettes in the credits we close out with them journeying west.

Now for the next part of the video we’re gonna be talking game spoilers and things that will probably ruin the story for you if you haven’t played them. What the f**k is wrong with you.

Anyway, the two major characters that I think reflect Joel here are Kathleen and Henry who both end up doing bad things out of love. Kathleen’s love ends up turning her into a bitter and vengeful person and in the end, this dooms her entire town. This could be similar to how Joels attack dooms humanity at the end and in saving Ellie he ends up making it so that humanity no longer has a shot at the vaccine.

I know people kinda go back and forth over whether it would’ve worked or not but the second game pretty much spells it out that there was indeed a pretty big chance that it wouldn’t paid off.

Now how is Henry like Joel?

Well Henry’s actions to save Sam ended up leading to Michael’s death. He put his life above all else and this could also be reflected in Joel’s actions to kill the fireflies in order to save Ellie. That’s more of a tenuo…. well, they’re both pretty tenuous but I just thought I’d bring them up in case they end up going that route with the series. I’m pretty sure that they will at this point because so for it’s been almost identical to the game bar the bill and frank episode and the odd change here and there.

It’s also possible that Kathleen is somewhat of a mirror of Abbie as both are avenging someone that was murdered which eventually leads to them losing a lot.

Now Ellie saying that she’s scared of ending up alone could possibly play into the next episode which will potentially take them to Jackson. I haven’t seen the trailers yet as we make these videos before they release but I’m guessing that the next entry centres around them reuniting with Tommy at his home. Joel pretty much wants to fleece Ellie off to him and she ends up running away for a bit.

Joel and Tommy head out to get her, which is where they come across raiders but eventually, they manage to catch back up to her. Joel then promises to take her to the fireflies himself and I can imagine that basically being the plot of the next entry.

Now as for my thoughts on this one, I thought it was a really solid way to build off last week and even though I knew it was coming the Henry and Sam deaths were still devastating. It just leaves this feeling of hopelessness that the Last of Us is built upon and you can see how the characters become completely jaded and self-centred.

No one is really gonna look after them, so they have to look at themselves and thus they push themselves into this one-track mind based solely on surviving. This is what Joel had but Ellie has made him realise that there’s more to life than just making it through the day to day. Bill of course discovered this, and it’s very much layered throughout the season.

I think Henry and Sam were spot on as well and you couldn’t really ask for a more accurate adaptation of them. Yeah, I know Sam wasn’t deaf, but he played the part of a kid trying to be a kid in the apocalypse really well. Unfortunately, it provided a devastating ending and I found myself almost being like Joel at this point.

Guy just put Tess’s death to the back of his mind, sighed and kept going and that’s kinda how I feel now. These characters have big passings and I’m just like…well…. just got to keep surviving, I guess.

Really shows how well-crafted that the show is but I do have some faults with it. I kinda felt like Melanie Lynskey was a bit weak and I don’t know why anyone would really follow her. I get the whole brother dying put her in charge but still she didn’t come across as someone who could command others. Just a nit-pick for the episode and yeah if you disagree then let me know below.

I hope that you enjoyed our breakdown of the episode.

Obviously, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it so make sure you comment below and let me know.

We’re running a competition right now and giving away Wakanda Forever to 3 Subscribers on The 15th Of February. All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is like the video, make sure you subscribe with notifications on and drop a comment below with your thoughts on the episode. We pick the comments at random at the end of the month and the winners of the last one is on screen right now so message me @heavySpoilers if that’s you.

If you want something else to watch, then make sure you check out our breakdown of perfect scene in Spider-Man Homecoming. We break down the entire thing so it’s definitely worth checking out if you wanna know more.

With that out the way thank you for sitting through the video, I’ve been Paul and I’ll see you next time. Take care, Peace.