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The Book Of Boba Fett: Cad Bane Explained | Origins, Clone Wars And Bad Batch Story + Finale Predictions

Book Of Boba Fett: Cad Bane Explained | Origins, Clone Wars And Bad Batch Story + Finale Predictions

The return and live-action debut of Cad Bane was by no means the biggest surprise but a Welcome One in the latest Book Of Boba Fett episode.

As Boba Fett is the iconic Bounty Hunter, more of his fellow bounty hunters were no doubt going to appear and I look forward to other hunters like Bossk and even Dengar showing up.

Dengar Dengar, High voltage.

What you’re here for though besides my lovely singing voice is to learn about Cad Bane.

The incredibly powerful being known to take on Jedi’s and he’s someone that’s gonna be a fierce opponent for Boba’s new crew.

But who is he and what are his hopes, his dreams?

Well, that’s what we’re going to be going through in this video so hold onto your butts as we break down the entire character.

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With that out the way, thanks for clicking this, now let’s get into Cad Bane.

Cowboy Bane

Ok, so the hunter from Duros first appeared in The Clone Wars episode Hostage Crisis and was instantly a stand out with his Wild West Cowboy look.

He was born around 62 BBY on Duro which is a part of the galaxy’s core worlds. Prior to the events of The Clone Wars, he would be well known and worked with Jango owing him many debts before his demise.

During production, The Clone Wars was originally set to focus just on the war itself but it ended up branching off into other stories which introduced new characters.

While fans loved the expansion of the Star Wars lore and those that showed up I’m sure many would have preferred not to have met the Martez Sisters but then you can’t love star wars if you don’t also hate it.

Though the Jedis and troops took a big focus Eventually a Bounty Hunter was needed for certain story plot points and originally this was the character Durge from the Clone Wars comics.

Over time though things changed and evolved and we ended up with the Cad Bane we know today based on Angel Eyes from The Good The Bad and the Ugly. Filoni also used a concept illustration for a gunslinger originally intended for the original trilogy and Bane is definitely an imposing figure.

Durge would later appear in the current canon in Doctor Aphra’s comic, who herself would make a great Disney Plus show.

Bane has had a number of great stories including the time he worked with Darth Maul to track down a Jedi Padawan.

Once the Clone Wars began, Cad Bane rose to the rank of a top bounty hunter after Jango was killed on Geonosis meaning his expertise and services were required by the top power players across the galaxy.

This included the likes of the Hutts, Count Dooku and Darth Sidious.

Cad Banes Gadgets

His equipment included a Techno-Service droid named Todo 360 and his trademark weapons were his LL-30 Blaster Pistols.

He also had a number of different tools of the trade that any Bounty Hunter would use such as a flamethrower and rope.

Bane even cad special breathing tubes to counter force choking and rocket boots that meant he could keep up with those that had a jet pack.

He also used gauntlets that allowed him to electronically shock anyone which even the powerful Obi-Wan Kenobi fell foul of.

Banes flew a Porax-38 starfighter named Xanadu Blood which he gained after a Holocron heist job given to him by Darth Sideous. Post clone wars he flew a ship named The Justifier which we saw in The Bad Batch when the character attempted to capture Omega.

Cad Bane took on many jobs with his first one in Clone Wars involving a rescue attempt on Ziro The Hutt.

He then appeared with another powerful Bounty Hunter called Aurra Sing who herself would join up with a young Boba Fett later in The animated series.

Cad was hired by The Hutts to rescue Ziro before he could reveal any Hutt Council secrets. His introduction was swift and impactful on us fans and he would soon be hired by Darth Sidious to steal the aforementioned Holocron from the Jedi Temple.

The Holocron along with a Kyber Crystal would list all force sensitive children in the galaxy but he would be pursued by the Jedi and would allow himself to be captured to later give them the slip.

Cad Bane would also allow himself to be caught to infiltrate a prison and extract a prisoner who was working for Count Dooku with a guy named Hardeen who was actually Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise. He went to meet Dooku for payment only to be put into a Cube/Escape Room test for the rights to a job to kill Palpatine.


Here we saw just how important his trademark wide-brimmed hat was to him as he killed someone for simply touching it.

Never rub another man’s rhubarb (batman 89 reference)

This episode was superb and the entire arc is worth watching if you haven’t seen it before. It starts with Episode 15 of Season 4 and ends with Obi-Wan taking down Cad Bane before he kills Palpatine.

I bet he’s not the Obi-Wan regretting doing that.

He would later assist the separatists with plans to the Jedi Temple for bombing and sadly we never got to see an interesting arc that was cut due to the Clone Wars cancellation which would focus on Cad Bane and Boba Fett.

Unfinished Episodes

In the episodes which were never finished, the pair would team up for a mission on Tatooine and the relationship between Jango and Cad would have been explored in more detail. Cad would have also gained the Justifier ship which would later appear In The Bad Batch.

Cad Bane would have taken on Boba Fett truly as an apprentice and this would later lead to Cad coming to blows with Boba after he stopped an insurrection. In the shootout which was somewhat mirrored in the book of Boba Fett, the pair both shot each other and Bane was meant to be the one that caused the dint in Boba’s helmet.

Sadly we would not see Cad Bane during Star Wars Rebels except for a piece of graffiti that was made by Sabine Wren aboard the ship ‘Ghost’. It would be a very very long time before the gunslinger would return once more and for years people speculated that he was dead.

The unfinished episode actually had Boba shooting Bane and in The Bad Batch, he returned with a plate on his head showing he might have survived this.

Cad was hired to take Omega back to Kamino and it’s clear that the years and jobs did not take any toll on him being a total and utter chad, Chad Bane anyone?

He went toe to toe with Hunter of Clone Force 99 to take Omega and receive his payment not knowing that

Fennec Shand was hot on his tail and we discovered that she had taken out his contact and the pair fought which gave Clone Force 99 just enough time to save Omega. While it seemed a curious cameo at the time for Fennec to fight against Cad, we now know what was being set up. We just have to trust the process of the Filoniverse as he is creating the best Star Wars since Lucas himself.

This was the last time before The Book of Boba Fett and with Dave Filoni’s episodes that he directed now featuring two Clone Wars characters, I wonder who else will be added when he helms another episode. Surely that would have to be the return of Ezra Bridger or could it be Htrawn who’s rumoured to be in the Ahsoka series.

Boba / Bane Showdown

Now, as of his appearance in The Book Of Boba Fett, he is now set for a direct collision course with Boba Fett, Fennec and Mando. He appeared in Episode 6 for a duel straight out of The Good The Bad and The Ugly in some of the best shots we have had this season. It fit in so well with the western style of The Mandalorian and now The Book of Boba Fett.

We catch Cobb Vanth without the armour that allowed him to protect his town and it was only a matter of time before someone got the better of him.

Whether he’s dead or not remains to be seen but I do think that the character will return as the people in the village are acting as if he’s hurt and not dead.

Beyond this, I’m hoping Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau have managed to use some of the lost episodes of The Clone Wars and are setting up for a fight between Cad Bane and Boba Fett.

I mean he’s not really done a lot and it would be great to see the dangerous Bounty Hunter in a fight that has been lacking this season as the show has taken a slower approach.

It would be nice if some of the cancelled story from The Clone Wars could be added retroactively in some way, adding a heightened tension between both Boba and Cad Bane. It may explain why Cad Bane took this job specifically as he would have a score to settle with Fennec and both Boba due to Boba’s crew being now on the wrong side of The Pykes.

Whether that happens we’ll have to wait but thanks for coming with us as we explored the character.