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SPIDER-MAN Into The Spider-Verse: Insane Details And Easter Eggs That Make It One Of The Greatest Marvel Movies Ever


Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse not only won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature, it also showed that Sony knew what they were doing with Spider-man after their Amazing Spider-man films flopped.

I still love you Andrew…and even you, Electro.

Throughout this post, we’re gonna be breaking down all the insane details and easter eggs in the movie that really make it one of the best comic book movies of all time. This list isn’t every single detail in the movie but we’ve tried to focus on the things that haven’t been mentioned in most of the other breakdowns about the movie.

Obviously there will be heavy spoilers so if you haven’t had a chance to check out the movie yet then I highly recommend that you check out now.

Multiverse Clues

The movie starts off with a glitchy Columbia logo that hints at the multiverse existing. It does this through numerous versions of the statue and throughout there are several hints that even Miles’ world takes place in a different one than our own.

Miles has a poster of Chance the Rapper in his room and the real-life figure has a 4 on his cap. In our universe, the MC actually wears a three on it and this is also a clue to the multiversity of the film….that’s a real word because Grant Morrison made it up.

We can see on Jefferson’s uniform that the badge says PDNY instead of NYPD and a news report comes from NNC instead of CNN. You can also spot a movie poster from Dusk Till Shaun which was supposed to be a sequel to Shaun of the Dead featuring vampires. A film called Hold Your Horses starring Seth Rogan is also displayed in times square.

So very minor differences from our dimension.

Number 42

The introductory story by Peter that we get shows Uncle Ben and in that we can see that Peter is actually blond, teasing that this isn’t a version that we’ve seen before.

In the title sequence and we can see the spider that eventually bites Miles and it has the number 42 written on it. We get a quick cut of a lottery ball which also has 42 on it and this was actually Miles’ winning number that allowed him to get into Brooklyn Visions academy.

During the film, Miles falls off a building and hits a sign which then drops the numbers 42 and when riding on the bus with Peter later in the film we can also see that the maximum occupancy is 42. The number 42 also appears at the subway station just after Peter’s death is announced.

It’s clearly laced throughout the movie and according to Vitamin on Reddit, this is to symbolise the character being the first African American version of the character. 42 was Jackie Robinson’s number and he was the first black professional baseball player.

Title Sequence

In the titles that this Spider-man has lived through many moments similar to what we saw in the Maguire movies including the train pulling, a switch on kissing Mary Jane upside down, punched a car and also did the best dance moves ever…in a movie…ever.

There’s also a nod to the Holland universe in which he holds two buses from falling off the Brooklyn bridge which apes the MCU web head pulling the ferry back together.

Peter’s name badge is nice and crisp almost seeming new and this completely juxtaposes Peter B Parker’s badge later in the movie which is crumpled and messy, symbolising his style compared to the one we first meet.

Spider-man swings through the city and at one point seven birds fly by him as he says there’s only one Spider-man. These seven birds actually represent the seven versions of character that appear in the movie.

Introducing Miles Morales

Cut to Miles’ room and there’s what looks like a Superman poster above his computer, hinting at the heroes that might have an influence on him. There’s also an award ribbon that we see that looks like the daredevil symbol and it’s nice that they managed to drop in these comic book references into the movie without them feeling too forced.

Miles dad takes him to school and says you don’t want to end up like your uncle Aaron. Even though the two are estranged we can see on Aaron’s locked phone screen that he still has a photo of the two. Later we see that Jefferson also has one of the pair showing that the two still care about each other.

You can also see Gwen crossing the road behind Jefferson and this is the first time that we actually see the character.

We see the book Great Expectations mentioned in the class during the school montage and Miles is later assigned it after purposely trying to fail his test. This motif carries throughout the film with Miles trying to live up to the great expectations that have been set for him. His graffiti tag is also expectations and if with great power comes great responsibility for Peter then with great power comes…great expectations…for Miles? that’s not how the saying goes.

Anyway we see a lesson in which Dr. Olivia Octavius talks about the multiverse. We don’t learn her full name straight away as miles stands in front of the projector but through the film we discover her identity.

The character actually even wears octagonal glasses which very much ties in with her name.

Meeting Aaron

Cut to Aarons and we see several clues that he is the Prowler including a picture that hangs above his sofa that looks like it actually has prowler written in graffiti over it. He also wears a t shirt with a cat on. Don’t make it too obvious.

Aaron is watching Community, namely the scene in which Donald Glover wears Spider-man pyjamas. Glover actually plays Aaron in The MCU so this is like a weird…inception of easter eggs with Aaron watching the multiverse version of himself in spider-man clothes. yeah my head almost exploded.

Aaron tells him about the Hey line and when he does this on Kingpin later we can see the text appear behind him.

Becoming Spider-Man

Miles is bitten and he becomes gifted with Spider powers. After embarrassing himself with Gwen he tries to learn what to do next. He turns to Spider-man comics which give him a heads up on how to handle them.

I always kinda wondered why Spider-man gave away his identity in this and then continued to wear a mask but I guess I’m as stupid as I look because if you zoom in on the cover you can see that he says his name is Billy Barker to hide his true identity.

Billy Barker, yeah no one is gonna figure it out.

Miles tries to call Aaron but it goes to voicemail and we hear that he’s out of town. With hindsight we know he was actually working for the Kingpin and when Miles goes to the subway station we do see what looks like Aaron from behind, hinting that he was just lying.

We also see that Miles has a contact called B Bendis which is a nod to Brian Michael Bendis who was the creator of Miles.

Miles comes across Spider-man and the Green Goblin duking it out. We can actually sees that Miles spider sense initially is green and purple before it changes to blue and red.

Aaron’s colours are purple and green but the fact that they change shows that he is no longer going to be led to potentially a life of crime by his uncle and he will instead follow in the footsteps of Peter.

Peter climbs to the switch using a special set of moves and he manages to get up top by holding onto the cylinders of the machine. Later in the film, Miles uses the same technique to get to the switch and Gwen says to Peter B, I didn’t teach him that and I know you definitely didn’t so we know that this is where he got it from.

Multiverse Machine

After being put into the multiverse machine an explosion happens and if you slow it down it you can actually see five lights burst out which represent the five travelling Spider-persons.

Peter Dies…you gonna cry and Miles gets chased down by his uncle. I love this scene, the score is just incredible and the colour is amazing, also we see a hint of purple and green which ties back to the Prowlers colours.

Miles gets out and there’s a Post Malone cameo in which he says ‘I think it’s a banksy’ Malones song Sunflower is the one that Miles can be heard singing throughout the movie.

We see Stan Lee who tells Miles that the suit always fits eventually, perhaps suggesting that Miles will eventually grow into the role…eventually.

Miles meets Peter at the graveyard and he electrocutes him. The electrocution travels through his nervous system instead of his skeleton as is typical in films. This is more scientifically accurate to what happens during an electric shock and it’s nice that they took the time to animate all this even though it only lasts a split second.

We see in his flashback that Tombstone also hits him with a bus and this is something else you need to watch in slow motion to stop.

This Spider-man is actually older than the one we met at the start of the movie which is why his hair’s going grey and he’s started to put on a bit of weight.

They race through the city that’s kinda similar to Peter attaching himself to the train in Spider-Man 2 and we also get a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Stan Lee cameo when he steps over the pair as they lie on the ground.

Miles interrogates Peter and we can actually see from his black eye that he heals throughout the scene.

Also shoutouts King Of Pirates on Reddit for spotting that the restaurant they go to has a rating of C for its hygiene score. Peter tells Miles that it closed six years ago in his dimension and it’s likely that the same thing will happen to this restaurant.

Doc Ock

The pair reach the Alchemax and we get a bit where Peter plans it out. We actually see a comic book accurate version of Doc Ock in front of this universe’s female one and this makes Peter re-examine his personal biases.

We also see one of Ocks tentacles on her desk before she sprouts the arms and this is a little clue as to who the villain really is.

I tried pausing her desktop to see if there were any cool easter egggs on there but unfortunately it was all just stuff like dinner party invites and student results. There was one file called Ock notes and secret plans but other than that and a fantasy league not too many.

Doc Ock introduces herself as Doctor Olivia Octavius and she says that her friends call her Liv. Later in the movie Aunt May comes face to face with her and also calls her Liv and it makes me wonder…maybe they used to have Dinner parties together.

Anyway they make it out with the computer after getting chased by Ock.

Shoutouts to Corridor Crew on youtube for noticing that as they throw the bagel off someone’s head instead of the text being an onomatopoeic sound effect it just says Bagel.

The crew also pointed out that the animation for Miles actually symbols how out of sync he is with Peter ability wise. Miles initially has half the frames cut out of his swinging animation so he looks less smooth. By the end of the film he has all of the frames in his moves so it subtly shows that he is more accomplished and that he’s lived up to the great expectations.


Meeting Gwen Stacey

Gwen shows up and she actually lands en pointe because this version of the character was a ballerina.

We learn in her story that she saved her father Captain Stacey who still stands as one of the big deaths in Spider-man comics. She also is seen kicking the lizard whilst saying she couldn’t save her best friend. This is, of course, Peter and we can actually see on the skin of the character that there are scales showing he took on the moniker in his universe.

We also see a Doc Ock tentacle but this one is metal, probably more in line with the version that we are more familiar with…or maybe I just need to re-examine my personal biases.

Spider Cave

They meet may and go into the Spider cave. There’s a tonne of suits that have all been picked apart but in the middle there’s actually a mannequin without one on as we know the Peter of this dimension didn’t come home.

The three character’s spider senses all trigger upon meeting the other three versions of Spider-man however miles doesn’t happen as fast as Peter and Gwen’s because he’s still behind them ability-wise.

Miles looks at the Spider-man suit and initially, his eyes aren’t level with the mask. However, he later returns to this and the scene is repeated but the character’s face is level with the mask. This shows that he has grown into the role and is finally ready to become Spider-man.

Spider-man Noir says that the wind blows wherever he goes and this is literally shown every time the character is on screen. We also see his face slightly in another blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment.  He also glitches black and white, unlike the others who are in colour.

Penni is the only one who isn’t bitten by a Spider and thus she doesn’t have the same abilities as everyone else. When they’re all on the ceiling hiding from Miles’ roommate later in the movie you can actually see that Penny is squeezed between them rather than being stuck to the wall itself.

Uncle Aarons Death

Miles discovers that his uncle is the Prowler and the Kingpin’s villains attack. When Aaron grabs miles his vision goes from purple to normal colours even before the mask comes off showing that this reveal has completely disarmed him mentally. Aaron is killed and this kinda mirrors the death of uncle Ben who we know was integral to Peter’s origin.

Miles is initially rejected but after his father tells him he will do good no matter what he embraces his power and takes a leap of faith.

I love as he’s falling how the shot is flipped so he’s actually ascending into the air rather than falling and it’s a brilliant scene.

Final Battle

The Spider Gang attack the super collider and there are a couple of cool little easter eggs in this scene.

Spider-man Noir also throws a car at Tombstone that is similar to one from the 1930s showing that it was pulled from his dimension. The colours also change to black and white as he returns to his dimension.

Miles is told to hit the green button to disable to supercollider and a PlayStation controller flies past with the triangle button highlighted. On a PlayStation the triangle is green and this is a nice little bit of advertising for Sony’s PlayStation.

The spider gang travel back to their worlds and Miles takes on Kingpin.

Firstly shoutouts Baxter Rocky from Reddit who noticed that there is a fractured bridge that Miles and Kingpin land on. This is a reference to the Netflix show Daredevil which features similar iconography in the opening.

Speaking of Daredevil, at one point you can also spot a version of Kingpin’s family in which his son looks exactly like Matt Murdock, hinting at the Kingpin’s son being Daredevil in that universe.

There’s also an African American version of the family which could be a reference to the Michael Clarke Duncan version of the character.

Miles finishes the fight with him by using the Hey move that Aaron taught him. This avenges his death with the wisdom he taught Miles also in some ways it allows for him to get revenge on the character too.

Miles closes the doorway and we can also see the food replicator from cloudy with a chance of meatballs flying in. An anvil hits it too which I’m guessing is from Spider Pig.

The movie ends with Miles and Jefferson repairing their relationship, Miles finishes his paper Great Expectations, he and his father make a mural for Aaron, Peter goes back to MJ and we get a tease for next time.

Also shoutouts to Oscar Isaacs in the post-credits scene, man I can’t wait for that next movie. Greatest meme of all time, I actually saw they released a Funko Pop set for the original meme and yeah, amazing.

And that’s our list. Obviously, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the breakdown and if we missed anything.